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Wu Zang Sheng Cheng Pian
(The Functions of the Five Viscera to Human Body and Their Mutual Relations)
The specific functions of the heart and the vessel are related, the quintessence of the heart is reflected on the complexion, and the heart is controlled by the kidney.
The specific functions of the lung and the skin are related, the quintessence of the lung is reflected on the soft hair, and the lung is controlled by the heart.
The specific functions of the liver and the tendon are related, the quintessence of liver is reflected on the nail, and liver is controlled by the lung.
The specific functions of spleen and muscle are related, the quintessence of the spleen is reflected on the lips, and the spleen is controlled by the liver.
The specific functions of kidney and bone are related, the quintessence of the kidney is reflected on the hair, and the kidney is controlled by the spleen.
So, when the salty food is excessively taken, it will cause the stagnation of blood and the eclipse of one's complexion; when the bitter food is excessively taken, it will cause the dryness of the skin and the falling of hair: when the acrid food is excessively taken, it will cause cramp of the tendons and the withering of the nails; when the sour food is excessively
taken, it will cause the skin to become tough and thick and the lips wrinkle and shrink; when the sweet food is excessively taken, it will cause the bone pain and the falling of hair. These are the conditions of the partiality for a particular taste. So, the heart prefers the bitter taste, the lung prefers the acrid taste, the liver prefers the sour taste, the spleen prefers the sweet taste, and the kidney prefers the salty taste. These are the corresponding relations between the five tastes and the five viscera
When the quintessence of the five viscera reflected on the complexion appears to be green and black like the dead grass in dark, the patient will die; when it appears to be yellow like the fruit of unriped citron, the patient will die: when it appears to be black like coal, the patient will die; when it appears to be red like biood in stagnation, the patient will die; when it appears to be white as a piece of dry bone, the patient will die. These are the five colours for distinguishing the fatal diseases.
When the quintessence of the five viscera reflected on the complexion appears to be green like a bird's green feather, the patient will live: when it appears to be red like a cock-comb, the patient will live; when it appears to be yellow like the belly of a crab, the patient will live when it appears to be white like lard, the patient will live; when it appears to be black like the feather of a crow, the patient will live. These are the five colours for distinguishing the vitality of man. The colour of vitality in heart is like the cinnabar wrapped in white thin silks the colour of vitality in lung is like something red wrapped in white thin silk; the colour of vitality in liver is like something reddish-black wrapped in white thin silkt the colour of vitality of spleen is like trichosanthes seed (reddish-yellow) wrapped in white thin silk; the colour of vitality of kidney is like something purple wrapped in white thin silk. These are the appearance of vitalities of the five viscera.
The five colours and the five tastes are conform with the five viscera. White conforms with the lung and acridness, red conforms with the heart and bitterness. green conforms with the liver and sour taste, yellow conforms with the spleen and sweet taste, black conforms with the kidney and the salty taste. So white also conforms with the skin, red also conforms with the vessel, green also conforms with the tendon, yellow also conforms with the muscle, and black also conforms with the bone.
All channels of man lead to the eyes, all the marrows lead to the brain, all tendons lead to the liver, all the blood lead to the heart, all the air in respiration lead to the lung. The air, blood, tendons and vessels are like the ebb and flow of the tide pouring to the elbows, armpits, hips, popliteal fossa and the four extremities.
When a man lies down, his blood turns towards the liver. The blood can nourish the extremities and all parts of the body, so, when the eyes obtain the blood, they can see, when the feet obtain the blood, they can walk, when the palms obtain the blood, they can hold things, when the fingers obtain the blood, they can fetch things. When one walks away to outside immediately after sleeping and is invaded by the blow of wind, if the blood stagnation is on the surface of skin, biyndrome (a syndrome marked by arthralgia, numbness and dyskinesia of the limbs)will occur; when the blood stagnation is in the channels, it will cause the retardation of the blood flow; when the blood stagnation is in the feet, it will cause coldness of the lower extremities. All the three kinds of diseases are due to the inability of the blood to flow back to the channel's circulation. There are twelve main joints in the four extremities and three hundred and fifty four small bone joints in human body, excluding the shu points in the twelvc channels. All of them are the places for the Wei-energy to stay, and
they are also the places for the evil-energy to reside, when one is atacked by the evil-energy it should be removed by acupuncture or by the therapy of stone needle.