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发布时间: 2021-07-15 09:19:09   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 顶真,又名“顶针”、“联珠”、“蝉联”或“链式结构”,是用前句末尾的词语作为后句开头的词语,或用前段最末的句子作为后段...


英语修辞格“anadiplosis” (epanastrophe)的格式与作用同汉语的顶真是一样的,如:

例 1:It's the profit now, not the product. Half the time, we cheat the foremen, the foremen cheat the management, the management cheats the customers. (J. B. Priestley:The Future of the English)


例 2: He retained his virtues amidst all his misfortunes —— misfortunes which no prudence could foresee or prevent.



1) 这阊门外有个十里街,街内有个仁清巷,巷内有个古庙,因地方窄狭,人皆呼作葫芦庙。庙旁住着一家乡宦,姓甄,名费,字士隐。 (第一回)

这石上所云文字,犹如电影中的远景——近景——特写镜头一 般,按照从大到小,由远及近的次序,流畅自然、条理清晰地展现在读者面前。这段文字之所以具有这样好的修辞效果,无疑应归因于作者在句中运用了顶真:街——街、巷——巷、庙——庙,三次衔接,不仅富有音律美,而且语言紧凑,逻辑严密。



Outside this Chang-men Gate was a certain Ten-li Street, off which ran the Lane of Humanity and Purity; and in this lane stood an old temple, which being built in such a narrow space was known from its shape as Gourd Temple. Beside this temple lived a gentleman named Zhen Fei, Whose courtesy name was Shiyin.


Outside the Chang-men Gate is a wide thoroughfare called Worldly Way; and somewhere off Worldly Way is an area called Carnal Lane. There is an old temple in the Carnal Lane area which, because of the way it is bottled up inside a narrow Cul-de-Sac,is referred to locally as Bottle-gourd Temple. Next door to Bottle-gourd Temple lived a gentleman of private means called Zhen Shi-yin ...


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