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发布时间: 2017-05-30 09:31:58   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

Buying Lottery for Luck
Nowadays,many people are enthusiastic about buying all kinds of lottery tickets. The purpose of them is to realize their dreams of becoming rich. However, some people don't agree on this activity. They think trying luck on lottery is harmful. They believe that such practice is likely to make people expect good luck rather than hard work to achieve their goals.

I believe that it is a meaningful thing. It does more good than harm to our society. First, the money collected can be used to help the poor and the needed. Second, the accumulated money will be helpful to promote our welfare and make contributions to the whole society.

Moreover, if you are lucky enough, you may be rewarded. So I favor lottery tickets. If I have some spare money, Fll buy them.
Sandstorms are getting more and more serious in some regions in the northern parts of China, especially, in spring. As the suffusing dust blocks out the sky, covering cities in dust, the storms bring much inconvenience and trouble to people’s daily life and work, and even claim some lives in some serious regions. Thus, it arouses the concern of the whole nation.
Naturally, there are many factors that cause this abnormal climate. To begin with, the encroachment of the desert in Inner Mongolia should take the main blame for the storms.
Besides, the continuous high temperature and little rain should also be heavily responsible for the high frequency of storms.
However,we shouldn’t only blame nature for the sandstorms because, to some extent, human beings should bear partial responsibility for this phenomenon. There’s no denying that it’s our destruction of vegetation and protective forests that makes the north-wind kick up the loose soil so easily, and thus form the storms. However, as a coin has two sides, the storms well sound the ecological alarm and should be regarded as sand penalty to man. In a word, the haunt of the storms repeatedly warns us that it’s high time we made laws to protect our ecological environment, restored the vegetation and planted more protective forests and took whatever effective measures to stop the rampant storms and restore our ecological environment.


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