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发布时间: 2017-05-30 09:31:58   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

A Thunder Storm
As I sat in my room one summer day preparing my lessons, I felt that the weather was very hot and disagreeable. The sun shone brightly and the birds kept perching in the trees which, for there was no wind, made no stir. Suddenly a dark cloud hid the sun. The wind began to blow. I knew that a storm would soon come.
The sky was full of clouds. Flashes of lightening lit up the old houses and thunder began to roar overhead. No birds sang any longer. But the leaves of the trees rustled and a wind blew against our faces. A drop of water fell, then, another, and then the rains fell on the leaves of the trees and the iron roofs with a noise like the beating of drums. A brilliant stripe of light filled the sky. Suddenly there came a terrible thunderclap overhead, and then the sky was full of roars of thunder.
After a while,the rain stopped and the thunder and lightning ceased. The sky became blue again, and the birds once more sang sweetly, while the trees and the flowers seemed almost as happy as before.

A Teaspoon
A teaspoon is a utensil for scooping up and carrying small amounts of something. It has two joined parts: a flat, narrow, tapered handle,by which it is held,and a shallow,oval bowl to dip and carry liquid,food and other materials. The handle is about four inches long. It arches slightly upward at the wise end. It curves sharply downward at the narrow end. The shape of the handle allows it to fit easily in the hand when it is correctly held resting across the third finger and grasped between the thumb and first joint of the forefinger of the right hand. When the bowl is level, the handle points upward at a shallow angle. A spoon is usually made of mental or some other hard-wearing, unbreakable material.
说明文是以简明的文字介绍事物的形状、性质、构造、变化、功用、特征等,它用于说明客观事物的特点和性能,或介绍某种操作的程序,或解释某些抽象概念或科学原理等。写好说明文的关键是抓住事物的特征。说明文的写作要点是:条理分明、例证充分、突出主题、合乎逻辑。 与英语记叙文和英语描述文相比,英语说明文的语言特征并不那么明显。写好说明文,一定要注 意以下几点: 首先,说明文的时态相对统一,多用现在时态。 由于说明文往往是对客观事物或事理的一种介绍与解释,而这种客观的介绍与解释一般是不随时 间和空间变化而改变的,尽管有时为了特殊表达的要求,会在个别地方采用其他时态,但英语说明文的 基本时态还是一般现在时。 其次,多采用客观表述,避免主观色彩。 由于在很多情况下,说明文是对客观存在的说明与介绍,因此语言的表述也应该尽可能地给人以客观可信的感觉。在英语中,采用被动语态,引进权威的信息来源以及选用委婉的词语是使说明文避免主观色彩,增加客观性,从而为读者接受的重要语言手段。

The Way to Achieve Success
Many successful people say that they owe much of their success to the cultivation of certain good habits in early life. In forming good habits, I think we should pay attention to four things, that is,honesty, industry, enthusiasm, and thrift.
“Honesty is the best policy. ” This is a proverb to which we must pay attention. There are so many temptations in society that through a little carelessness we may go astray. But when we are honest, people will not be dishonest to us.
Industry gives every man and woman, every boy and girl,proper work to do. To do nothing is to ruin oneself. Enthusiasm is a great force. One’s soul will expand if one devotes oneself to a noble cause. The difficulties in our way are tremendous, but what can we not accomplish if withenthusiasm?
There are many proverbs which set forth the advantages of thrift. Since we live in a world where money is a very powerful thing, we should always try to save part of our earnings for future use. These are the four things to which we must pay attention. It is only in this way that we can achieve success.
另外,议论文一般具有论点、论据和论证三要素,其中论点要鲜明、正确;论据需充分、确凿、可靠;论 证过程必须逻辑严密。


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