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发布时间: 2022-07-19 09:17:23   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 要做好英美法律术语的汉译工作,要注意英美法律术语的与时俱进,要注重汉语法律术语语言表达习惯及要尊重约定俗成的翻译。。



英美法律语言也在循序演变的过程中。英美法中的burglary一词曾被定义为The common-law offense of breaking and entering of another's dwelling at night with the intent to commit a felony。即行为人以犯重罪或盗窃为目的破门窗闯入他人住宅的行为。曾被译为“夜盗行为”,“夜盗罪”。当今的美国刑法对burglary的定义已有了很大的修订:The modern statutory offense of breaking and entering any building—not just a dwelling, and not only at night—with the intent to commit a felony. Some statutes make petit larceny an alternative to a felony for purposes of proving burglarious intent(同上)。 时间不局限于夜间,地点不仅是住宅,也可以包括其它建筑物等等,美国《统一刑事案例汇编》(Uniform Criminal Reports)(1998)甚至对burglary 的定义简单到“为犯重罪或偷窃而非法进入某一建筑内”,也不管进入该建筑内是否使用了暴力。为了伤害、强奸甚至杀害某人而进入他人住宅或其它建筑物(不一定是使用暴力的强行闯入),同样也构成burglary。所以,burglary一词应译为“恶意侵入他人住宅罪”。现在再把burglary 译成“夜盗罪”显然是不合适的。

看到enterprise crime不能直接翻译成“企业犯罪”,谁都不明白企业犯罪到底是一种什么犯罪。原来enterprise crime是由organized crime发展而来的。在英美国家,organized crime固属“有组织的犯罪”之列,但人们心目中的organized crime按已经形成的语言习惯却是专指帮会犯罪,如三K(KKK)党,三和党等,因此英美法律工作者在20世纪80年代别出心裁,又创造了enterprise crime一词来专门表示“有组织的犯罪”。请看定义:Enterprise crime is any organized or group of persons engaged in a continuing illegal activity which has as its primary purpose the generation of profits. Beside the main activities being illegal under various state and federal laws, there are also laws which deal with money laundering from organized crime activities. Criminal organizations keep their illegal dealings secret, and members communicate by word of mouth. Many organized crime operations have profitable legal businesses, such as licensed

gambling, building construction, or trash hauling which operate alongside and provide "cover" for the illegal businesses.

法律术语的含义在不断发展演变。Administrator 原指任何“管理人”,自从上世纪80年代以来,在英美国家获得新义“法庭指定的破产公司管理人”。法律翻译工作者对新词的内涵及生成背景要高度重视。译者必须注意运用那些能确切表达原文本产生时其内在意义的术语。如果译者忽略了法律术语的与时俱进,则会导致严重的后果。这是发生在纽约的真实案例:澳大利亚当局授权原告与其配偶scheidung的判决已经生效,按规定对判决进行了翻译。由于判决是在1938年以前做出的,scheidung在当时澳大利亚法律中根本不像今天是divorce(离婚)的意思,而是分居。然而译者用了divorce这一词,由于译者的错误,尽管原告只是从法律意义上与第一个妻子分居,但他还是被允许在纽约重新结婚。


英美法律术语汉译一定要注重汉语法律术语的表达习惯和语言内涵。“海商”与“海事”是海商法理论与实践中使用频率颇高的两个词,作为一对词义相近,又相互包含与交叉的概念,使用时要避免混淆。伴随航运立法国际统一化的趋势,众多的国际公约不加区别地使用maritime law和admiralty law,使得两词含义逐渐趋同。请看英美法上的定义: Admiralty law or maritime law is the distinct body of law (both substantive and procedural) governing navigation and shipping. Topics associated with this field in legal reference works may include: shipping;

navigation; waters; commerce; seamen; towage; wharves, piers, and docks; insurance; maritime liens; canals; and recreation. Piracy (ship hijacking) is also an aspect of admiralty.


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