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1. 应当承认,生活中使人紧张的挑战是无处不在的。当我们没有时间完成所有任务时,我们会感到紧张。
Admittedly, stressful challenges are ubiquitous in life. We may feel stress when we have too little time to finish all of our tasks.
2. 其他一些情况,如没有得到晋升、失去工作、生病、亲人去世或与朋友发生争论也会引起紧张。
Some other circumstances such as failure to get promotion, loss of job, an illness, loss of one’s relative or an argument with a friend may also cause stress.
3. 大量的研究表明,当人生活处于一种长期紧张状态时,免疫系统会受到损害,细胞老化会更快。
Numerous studies have suggested that, when people live in a state of chronic stress, their immune system can be injured and their cells age more rapidly.
4. 免疫反应的下降导致溃疡、消化不良、高血压及种种其他疾病。
A decreased immune response results in ulcers, indigestion, high blood pressure and a wide variety of diseases.
5. 不过,个人会对同一个事件会作出不同的反应:对一个人来说是紧张的事情对另一个人可能不紧张。这里的差别在于个人是否有健康的精神状态。
However, individuals may respond differently to the same event—what is a stressor for one person may not be stressful for another. What makes a difference here is whether an individual has a healthy mental state.
6. 健康的精神状态是指面对一种紧张或困难的局面保持乐观的能力。良好精神状态体现为积极态度和想得开,这有助于更容易去应对生活挑战。
A healthy mental state refers to the ability to keep an optimistic outlook in the face of a stressful or difficult situation. A healthy mental state is embodied by positive attitude and positive thinking, which help to cope more easily with the life challenges.
7. 有了积极态度和想得开,我们相对少地把生活挑战看成是受不了的,更多看到生活的光明一面,变得乐观,期待最好的事情发生。
With a positive attitude and positive thinking, we see relatively few of life's challenges as overwhelming. We see more of the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen.