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发布时间: 2024-06-10 10:36:08   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 和书面体相比,英语口语体的句子较简短,结构也要松弛、灵活得多,如用并列句代替主从复合句,或干脆省略连接词,用动词的缩略...

1. 语音层次

由于英语语音中音位的同化(assimilation)、音长(lengthening)、连读(liaison)和省略 (elision)等现象,口语体具有发音流畅、容易上口、快速、大量采用单音节或少音节词汇以及省略或合成音位、音节等特点。下面的例子常见于中间语体尤其是非正式语体中,由于同化和元音、音节的省略,原来两个或三个单词合成了一个,如,

don't know → dunno

this year → thish-yer

last year → las-cher

because; of course → 'cos

must have → must of

lot of → lotta

rock and roll → rock 'n' roll

What is the matter? → Whatsa matter?


2. 语法和句法层次


I'll stay in Beijing until the end of next week --- (because) I want to discuss the matter with Mr. Zhu.


(1) 书面体: Known abroad as kungfu or martial arts, wushu has been practiced for several thousand years by the working people in China

口语体:Wushu is known abroad as kungfu or martial arts; it has been practiced for several thousand years by the working people in China

(2) 书面体: While some old contradictions and confrontations have disappeared, new ones have cropped up, rendering our world neither tranquil nor peaceful.

口语体:While some old contradictions and confrontations have disappeared, new ones have cropped up; our world is neither tranquil nor peaceful.

(3) 书面体: The gap between the North and the South continue to widen, with the rich countries becoming richer and the poor poorer.

口语体:The gap between the North and the South continue to widen. The rich countries are becoming richer and the poor poorer.

(4) 书面体: The capital of the People's Republic of China, Beijing is the country's political, economic, and cultural center.

口语体:Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China and the country's political, economic, and cultural center.


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