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发布时间: 2024-02-28 10:01:31   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 这类试题文章的主题主要涉及对外贸易、中外合作、WTO与经济全球化等领域,其特点是考生既要能熟练地译出常用的经济术语,又要...



此类试题文章的主题主要涉及国际政治、外交关系、台湾问题。与台湾问题有关的试题文章(2000.3)是廖承志同志于1982年8月24日写给蒋经国的一封信。其特点是除了使用政治术语,如“祖国和平统一"(peaceful reunification of the motherland)、“长期共存、互相监督"(long-term coexistence, mutual supervision)、“振兴中华”(to rejuvenate China)外,还使用了很多成语,如“安居乐业”(to live and work in peace and contentment)、“各得其所"(be in one's proper place/to have a role to play)、“岁月不居"(time and tide wait for no man)。这就要求考生通过学习《高级翻译教程》Unit 11中的两篇课文《新形势下发展两岸关系的指导方针》(上)(下)和《中国日报》(China Daily)刊发的相关文章来熟悉常用的政治术语的英语表达法,唯如此才能迅速翻译成文。下面我们对此信的英详加以说明:

“祖国和平统一,乃千秋功业”的难点在“乃千秋功业”,句中“乃”系“是”之意,“千秋功业”中的“功业”系“功勋事业”,可译为“achievement”或“great contribution”,“千秋”泛指很长的时间,系指千秋万代,可详为“from generation to generation”,切不可像有些考生那样硬译为“for one thousand autumns”。所以此句可译为“To achieve peaceful reunification of the motherland is an achievement from generation to generation”。“台湾终必回归祖国”中的“终必”就是“必然会”,可译为“is bound to”。“回归祖国”通常可译为“return to the motherland"。所以此句可译为“Taiwan is bound to return to the motherland.”“早日解决对各方有利”是承上句,可译为“The early settlement of Taiwan question will be good for all. "“台湾同胞可安居乐业”,按约定俗成的译法可译为:“Taiwan compatriots will live and work in peace and contentment.”至于“两岸各族人民可解骨肉分离之痛”,考生首先要知道“各族”就是“各民族”英译"all ethnic groups",面“各族人民”就是“各民族人民”。可译为“people of all ethnic groups”。“骨肉分离”就是“骨肉同胞分离”。“骨肉同胞”可译为“flesh and blood”。所以上句可译为:“People of all ethnic groups on both sides of Taiwan straits will get rid of the pains of separation from the same flesh and blood."“在台诸前辈及大陆去台人员亦可各得其所”,考生若掌握了成语详法就能将其译为:“In Taiwan, both each old generation and personnel from the mainland will have a role to play."接下来的一句是“且有利于亚太地区局势稳定和世界和平”。若“有利于”后跟名词,即“be conducive to”,就可将此句译为“it will also be conducive to the stable situation in Asia-Pacific region and the world peace”。但注意若“有利于”后跟动词,即 to help (to) do,就可将此句译为“it will help maintain the stability in Asia-Pacific region and the world peace”。“当今国际风云变幻莫测”可详为“Current international situation is capricious/ changeable and unfathomable,”接下来的“岁月不居,来日苦短,夜长梦多,时不我与”是汉译成语,可采用意译或借译的方法,所以可译为:"Time and tide wait for no man. There will be no plenty of time left. A long delay means trouble.”“试为贵党计,如能依时顺势,负起历史责任,毅然和谈,达成国家统一。”可详为“Suppose that if your party would shoulder the historical responsibility in the light of the situation at the time, and resolve to hold a peace talk for our peaceful reunification of the country."“则两党长期共存,互相监督,共图振兴中华之大业。”这句话要求考生能将党的统战“八字方针”背出,而且要分别译出“两党”的全名。以使人知晓。因此,全句可译为“The Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Kuomintang (KMT) of China will implement jointly the policy of long-term coexistence and mutual supervision, striving together for rejuvenating China."


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