一篇文章是由一些段落组成的,而一个段落是由一群彼此相关的,为了阐述同一中心内容或为了表达同一想法的句子构成的,句与句之间表达的内容必须连贯、流畅,段落的结构必须严谨,段落组织必须条理分明、合乎逻辑,并按照主题所定范围展开。在上文中,我们阐释了段落的结构和组织方式,在这一部分我们讨论一下段落写作应该遵循的顺序。 段落写作的顺序因文章体裁的不同而多种多样,这里我们介绍四种记叙文、描写文、说明文和议论文都能普遍运用的写作顺序,供大家参考。
(一)时间顺序(Time Order)
After this heart-breaking experience, Thorpe turned to professional sports. He played major league baseball for six years and did fairly well. Then he played professional football for six years with spectacular success. His last professional football season was in 1926. After that his indifference to studies and his unwillingness to think of a nonsports career caught up with him. He had trouble finding a job, and his friends deserted him. He periodically asked for, but never was given back, his Olympic prizes. From 1926 until his death in 1953, he lived a poor, lonely and unhappy life.
此段按照时间顺序描述Thorpe失去奥运金牌后的生活,先是从事六年职业棒球生涯,接着又从事六年职业橄榄球生涯,后来由于别无他技,一直到死都过着穷困潦倒的生活。 又如:
The Evolution of Computers
In the relatively short span of 25 years, there has been an incredible evolution in the size and capabilities of computers. Today, computers smaller than the tip of your fingernail have the same capabilities as the room-sized machines of 25 years ago. The first computer was developed around 1945. They were so large that they required special air-conditioned rooms. About 20 years later, in the 1960s desk-sized computers were developed. However a third generation of computers had appeared. In 1971,the first microprocessor was developed. Today, electronic engineers predict that...
(二)空间顺序(Space Order)
“空间顺序”是指按空间顺序展开段落,通常采用由远及近、由近及远、由上而下、由下而上以及顺时针方向、逆时针方向等等。空间顺序多用于描写事物,可分为静态和动态两种观点。静态的方向顺序 一般按物体的空间位置来描写,在明确描写方向后,可按自上而下、自左至右、由远及近、由表及里(或相反的方向)来描述。动态的空间顺序取决于物体的实际运行路线,即可以是线性的,也可以是曲折的。空间顺序如果使用得当,不仅可以准确地说明事物的布局,还可以增加被描写事物的层次感和立体感。如:
Our classroom is on the third floor of the classroom building. It is a large room about 20 feet long and 10 feet wide. The walls are light green and the ceiling is white. Under the windows there are two radiators for heating the room in the winter time. On the opposite wall near one end there is a brown door.
My room is on the second floor of Dorm No. 3. It is a small rectangular room with a white ceiling and green walls. As you enter the room, straight ahead you will see two large windows. My bed which is covered with a blue bed blanket is under the left window. Under the right window is Mark’s bed. Desks and chairs are placed in the middle of the room. Behind the door there is a built-in closet.
(三)演绎顺序(Deduction )或归纳顺序(Induction)