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发布时间: 2021-11-03 09:21:48   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 订货函和投诉函的翻译,粘贴出来供大家参考。


Please send me the following items COD:

Stock number Item Quantity Price Extension

S-2 staplers 2 $14.10 $28.20

S-7 staples 6 boxes $3.22 19.32

S-T masking tape 12 $2.72 32.64


B-2 binders 5 $3.84 19.20

P-5 plastic rolls 3 $9.75 29.25

Total $128.61

I would like to establish credit with your organization, and I am enclosing a current income statement and balance sheet. May I hear from you soon?Yours very truly,



编号 项目 数量 单价 合计

S-2 订书机 2 $14.10 $28.20

S-7 订书针 6(盒) $3.22 19.33

S-T 不透明胶带 12(卷) $2.72 32.64

B-2 活页书夹 5 $3.84 19.20

P-5 胶滚筒 3 $9.75 29.25

总计 128.61



Ladies and Gentlemen: When your representative,~an Powers,called on me in late April,he told me that you were offering a special 

price of$177.75 on the Plymouth DeLuxe stove.I order six.However,the invoice I received showed the amount

due as$1292.10--a difference of $225.60.I'm enclosing a check for$1066.50.Unless I hear from you to the contrary.I will assume that this is the correct amount.If this is not the case.I would like to cancel three of the stoves.Very truly yours,

各位女士、先生:贵公司业务代表艾仑·鲍尔斯在4月底来访时,告诉我普利茅斯豪华型电炉可以给我每一台177.75 美元的特价。我因此订购了六台。然而我所收到的发货单上总价却是1292.10 美元,中间多了225.60 美元。随信附上一张1066.50 美元的支票;如果没有接到各位的进一步通知,我会直接认定这就是正确的货款。如果不是的话,我必须取销订购三台电炉。真诚拜候

Dear Mr.Jennings:Mea culpa(or,I'm sorry)about the mistake we made in our January 17 invoice.You are right,and the fault is mine.I have entered the amount on your ledger sheet as $1066.50(thank goodness,the $1292.10 had not been posted). I can't really account for this mistake,Mr.Jenniugs,and I am delighted that you caught it.Thank you for writing.Gordially yours,

亲爱的詹宁斯先生:是我们不对(真是抱歉)。您说的没错,在1月17日寄给您的发货单上,货款的数目的确打错了。我已经在您的分类帐页里记上了正确的数目1066.50 美元(还好,错误的1292.10 美元还没给登录上去)。我实在无法解释这次的疏忽,不过,詹宁斯先生,我很高兴您能为我们指出工作中的错误。谢谢您的来信。殷切问候



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