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发布时间: 2024-11-29 09:55:22   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 该医学中心还与海外多家保险和医疗机构合作,为常驻上海工作的外籍人士以及海外华人提供医疗保健服务。


Shang Yi International Medical Group (SYIMG), founded in 1987 and with its headquarters in Shanghai, is one of the largest medical groups in China, integrating healthcare service, medical education and scientific research.


Affiliated to SYIMG is Shang Yi Medical Center (SYMC), comprising several Grade-A tertiary general and specialized hospitals renowned for their long history and good-quality healthcare services.


SYMC takes the lead in many clinical areas in China, such as in neurosurgery, microsurgery, genetic testing, dermatology, hepatic surgery, cardiac surgery, otolaryngology, pediatric surgery, imaging diagnostics, reproductive medicine, anesthesiology, etc. 


Serving in SYMC are a batch of senior doctors who, with their professionalism and proficient clinical skills, provide appropriate healthcare services for patients throughout the country, treating more than 10 million outpatients and one million inpatient annually.


In addition, SYMC, in collaboration with overseas medical and insurance institutions, offers good-quality healthcare to expatriates and overseas Chinese residing and working in Shanghai. The hospitals affiliated to SYMC are also teaching hospitals which undertake student-physician training and resident training.



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