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发布时间: 2024-11-18 09:52:28   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 将医学同生物学相关领域结合起来的研究称为生物医学研究,研究可以是基础性的,或是应用性的。

1. 引起反复腹痛的病理状况常常是功能性而非器质性的。

The pathologic condition responsible for recurrent abdominal pain is often functional rather than organic.

2. 不要对每个病人一律严格限制饮食和使用药物疗法,而可采用对各病人最适宜的方法进行治疗。

Rather than uniformly imposing an extremely restrictive dietary and pharmacological regimen, each patient can be treated in a manner most suitable to him. 

3.  医生说,并非两种饮食都能提供足够的营养。

The doctor said that both diets could not provide adequate nourishment.

4.  发热是感染最常见的表现,但不是所有感染都引起发热,也并非所有发热都继发于感染。

Fever is the most frequent manifestation of infection; however, all infections do not cause fever and all fever are not secondary to infection. 

5.  虽然不是所有用药的病人都会产生药物不良反应,但确有相当一部分病人会有这种反应。

While all patients would not suffer ill-effects of drug administration, a significant proportion would do. 

6. 研究是医学最重要的领域之一,它为卫生保健专业人员更好地诊治和预防疾病提供新知识和新技术。

Research, one of the most important fields of medicine, provides health care professionals with new knowledge and technology for better diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

7. 将医学同生物学相关领域结合起来的研究称为生物医学研究。研究可以是基础性的,或是应用性的。

Research combining medicine with related fields of biology is called biomedical research. Research can be basic or applied. 

8. 基础研究无直接的实际应用,而应用性研究有专门的实用目标,如开发更好的药物来治疗乳腺癌。

Basic research has no immediate practical application while applied research has a specific practical goal, such as development of a better drug for breast cancer. 

9. 生物医学研究早期通常在实验室中进行。随着研究人员在某个特定领域里获得更多的知识,便开始在人身上研究。这些研究常常在医院里进行,称为临床研究。

The early stages of biomedical research usually occur in a laboratory. As scientists gain more knowledge in a particular area, they begin studies on humans. These studies often take place in hospitals and are called clinical research. 

10. 临床研究通常是由多学科研究小组来进行的,而不是由个别科学家单干。研究小组各成员具有不同领域和学科知识和技能,从一个不同侧面研究问题,并同小组成员共享知识。

Clinical research usually is performed by multidisciplinary teams, rather than by individual scientists working alone. Possessing knowledge and skills in different areas or disciplines, each member approaches the problem from a different side and shares knowledge with the group.

11. 这一多学科的研究方式增大了解决问题或开发新的治疗的可能性。

This multidisciplinary approach increases the chances of solving a problem or developing a new treatment. 



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