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发布时间: 2023-02-03 09:22:38   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: Apple Help HTML. files may also contain keywords in the header, describing the file content.

The HTML files included in Apple Help projects can be translated using any text-based HTMI, editor or translation memory tool.

Please note that contents files for books not only have the <TITLE> metatag defining the H'TML file title, but also the "AppleTitle" metaname, which defines the header of the title page file in the Apple Help Viewer.

For example, in the following HTML header, both <TITLE> and the DESCRIPTION and AppleTitle meta tags need to be translated:


<META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">

<META NAME="generator" CONTENT="GoLive CyberStudio">

<TITLE>Apple Help Style Guide</TITLE>

<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="This section describes how to create Apple Help projects.">

<META NAME="AppleTitle" CONTENT="Apple Help Style Guide">



Apple Help HTML. files may also contain keywords in the header, describing the file content. The following example shows some translatable keywords:

<META NAME ="KEYWORDS" CONTENT ="delete,erase, throw away,điscard">

Sometimes keywords are placed in comment lines with the AppleKeywords tag. These keywords only apply to a particular file segment and also must be translated because the Apple Help Indexing tool recognizes them. These file segments can also be returned themselves as a separate “hit" in a search. Therefore, segments may contain a title and a short description, which both need to be translated. The following example includes a segment definition.

<!--AppleSegStart ="Locking A Disk"-->

<A NAME="Locking A Disk"></A>

<!--AppleKeywords a"lock, floppy disk, unlock"-->

«!--ApplesegDescription ="This section describes how to lock and unlock a floppy disk."-->

.….content of segment...

<! --AppleSegEnd -->

The <A NAME> anchor tag links the search result to the right segment in the HTML file and does not need to be translated.



  • 上一篇:动词翻译的分析
  • 下一篇:Translation of CNT Files

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