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发布时间: 2016-11-01 09:28:31   作者:etogether.net   来源: 本站原创   浏览次数:


     1. 本工程应符合<建筑装饰工程技术规程>和市建设行政主管部门制定的其它地方标准\质量评定验收标准
The execution of this project must be consistent with the “Architectural and Engineering Rules” of the city administrative departments responsible for the development of buildings and local standards and quality evaluation acceptance criteria. 
2. 本工程由乙方进行设计,提供施工图纸一式两份,双方签字确认
Party B must provide a duplicate copy of the construction designs and drawings, and both copies should be signed by both parties.
 3.  甲方提供的材料、设备质量不合格而影响工程质量,其返工费用由甲方承担,工期相应顺延
If materials provided by Party A for the construction do not meet the necessary requirements, Party A shall bear responsibility for any resulting delays in the completion in the  project. 
 4.  由于乙方原因造成质量事故,其返工费用由乙方承担
If the quality of Party B's work results in any accidents, the liability for such accidents shall be the responsibility of Party B.
5.  在施工过程中,甲方提出设计修改意见及增减工程项目,须提前与乙方联系,在双方签订<工程项目变更单>后,方能进行该项目的施工、因此影响工程竣工日期的,责任由甲方承担。凡甲方私自与施工人员商定更改施工内容、增加施工项目所引起的一切后果,甲方自负,给乙方造成损失的,甲方应予赔偿
If, during the construction, Party A wishes to propose a change to the design, he should sign a “Change of Project” with Party B and must assume responsibility for resulting delays or increase in costs. If Party A secretly attempts to change to design directly with the construction personnel and this action causes loss to Party B, then Party A must compensate Party B for this loss. 
6.  工程验收:乙方负责理隐蔽工程和中间工程的检查与验收手续。由乙方组织专门人员进行验收。一切理隐蔽工程和中间工程的质量由乙方负责
The standard of work. It is the responsibility of Party B to make sure that all construction works are carried out to the requirements of the design and to make sure that all internal walls and hidden construction parts are to the required standard.
 7.  工程竣工:乙方完工后即应通知甲方验收,甲方应在竣工当日组织验收,并办理验收移交手续,双方签<工程质量验收单>。如果甲方在规定时间内不能组织验收,须及时通知乙方,另定验收日期。如通过竣工验  收,甲方应承认原竣工日期,并承担因此造成的乙方的看管费用和其他相关费用
Project completion. Party B must notify Party A when the project is complete and ready for inspection by Party A. After inspection both parties must sign an “Engineering Quality Acceptance” document. If Party A is not available to inspect the construction site on the completion date, he must notify Party B of the soonest available date. Where Party A is not available on the completion date to retake custody of the location, he must pay any extra costs incurred by Party B. 
 8.  工程保修期一年。工程竣工验收后甲、乙双方签署<工程保修单>,凭保修单实行保修,保修期一年,从竣工验收签章之日起算
One year warranty. After completion of the work and signing of the “Single Warranty”, there shall be a one year warranty on the construction.
1.  施工图纸和施工说明应符合防火 防事故的要求,主要包括电气线路等管道畅通、合格。乙方在施工中应采取必要的安全防护和消防措施,保障作业人员及相邻关系的安全,防止相邻单位的管道堵塞、渗漏水、停电、物品毁坏等事故发生
         Construction drawings and construction must be in line with fire prevention regulations, and accident prevention requirements. This includes electrical circuits and pipelines. Party B shall take measures to ensure the safety of workers and neighbors at the constructions site and must prevent leakage of water, interruptions of power and damage to property. 
2. 施工中凡涉及改变房屋结构,拆、改承重墙,加大楼(地)面荷载,由甲方向物业管理部门提出申请,经所在地建设行政主管部门批准后方能施工
Any changes to the housing structure or demolition or alteration to load bearing walls or increase in floor load must first be approved by the building property management before construction begins.
3. 双方款项往来均应出具正规收据和发票,以备查验和结算
Both parties must provide money exchange receipts and invoices. 

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