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医学口译例文——Cost of Medical Mistakes

发布时间: 2024-11-27 09:33:41   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: Researchers concluded that medical errors are largely preventable with steps such as electronic medical records kept o...

1. Every year millions of Americans find themselves touched by a medical error. 


2. Many are harmless or easily corrected, but some are serious enough to cause patients' deaths according to a new report.


3. Researchers from Health Grades Incorporated, a healthcare ratings organization, found that medical errors resulted in more than 200, 380 deaths between 2004 and 2006. The total cost was nearly $ 9 billion. 

健康评级有限公司(一家保健评级组织)的研究人员发现,在2004-2006年,医疗错误造成超过200 380例死亡,总计损失将近90亿美元。

4. The errors included hospital infections, complications from anesthesia, and preventable blood clots. 


5. In rare instances, patients had foreign bodies such as sponge, sewn inside them during the surgery. 


6. Researchers concluded that medical errors are largely preventable with steps such as electronic medical records kept on computers and thorough cleaning of hospital equipment.


7. You can reduce your chances of becoming a victim by keeping track of all medications to reduce mix-ups and making sure to ask doctors or nurses questions until you are sure you understand what they are doing to you and why.




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