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医学口译例文——Hospitals of Tomorrow

发布时间: 2024-11-28 09:22:07   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: There are few things more traumatic than being hospitalized, but from coast to coast medical centers are upgrading to ...

1. Today we visited two hospitals using robots, communicators and scanning equipment. All they make communication better, diagnosis faster and life-saving surgery more accurate. 


2. There are few things more traumatic than being hospitalized. But from coast to coast medical centers are upgrading to the latest technology and the future might be here sooner than you think.


3. In California, El Camino Hospital calls itself the first smart hospital.


4. The newest technology meets you almost at the front door. A biometric registration system using palm scans, capturing a patients' unique vein pattern which is then linked to their complete medical files. 


5. No more jarring hospital-wide pagers or beepers, the voice-activating communication devices provide direct connections to doctors and nurses. 


6. Clinical care rooms come with advanced beds with built-in translation of 22 different languages. 


7. Across the country, New York- Presbyterian Hospital is the first in the country to get 3-D images of the patient inside the operating rooms during an operation.


8. "Right now we are using it for vascular neurosurgery. We're looking into using it for tumor surgery. We're looking into using it for spinal surgery."


9. For the first time neurosurgeons performing delicate brain surgery can find almost instantaneously if their operation was a success. 


10. This is a game-changer. Before if a surgeon needed imaging during the surgery, the patient might stay on general anesthesia, move to radiology, have scans taken and then move back to the OR if more need to be done.


11. "To have this type of equipment allows us to study the brain, to work on the brain and not to injure people while we are doing it. It's just incredible." 


12. High tech advancements, we all hope never to need, can make the world different if we do.




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