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发布时间: 2024-05-27 09:36:25   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 中国制定了“应对气候变化国家方案”,成立了国家应对气候变化领导小组,明确了应对气候变化的具体目标、基本原则、重点领域、...




The Chinese government attaches great importance on the issue of climate change and has taken various measures to handle it and improve the ecological environment. China has formulated the Nation Plan for Coping with Climate Change, set up a national leading group office to cope with the climate change, and defined the specific goals/basic principles, key areas, policy measures and implementing procedures of addressing climate change.

China has set the objectives of cutting 20% of energy consumption per unit of GDP and increasing the proportion of renewable energy to 10%, and forest coverage to 20% by 2010 over 2005. Various efforts are well underway and initial results have been achieved. China will continue to make relentless efforts to reach those objectives.




(1) 采取了大量措施 take various measures

(2) 制定了国家方案 formulate the Nation Plar

(3) 成立国家领导小组 set up a national leading group

(4) 明确了具体目标 define the specific goals

(5) 落实步骤 implement procedures

(6) 提出目标 set the objectives

(7) 可再生资源 renewable energy

(8) 森林覆盖率 forest coverage

(9) 正在稳步进行well underway

(10) 取得初步成效 initial results have been achieved

(11) 作出不懈努力 make relentless efforts


(1) 酸雨 acid rain

(2) 绿化 afforest

(3) 请求 appeal

(4) 归因于 attribute

(5) 可生物降解的 biodegradable

(6) 保存 conservation

(7) 污染 contaminate

(8) 有争议的 contentious

(9)  沙漠化 desertification

(10) 恶化 deteriorate

(11) 倾倒垃圾 dump

(12) 生态系统 ecosystem

(13) 侵蚀 erosion

(14) 撤退 evacuate

(15) 废气 exhaust

(16) 灭绝 extinction

(17) 灾害 hazard

(18) 臭氧层 ozone layer

(19) 优先考虑 prioritize

(20) 辐射 radiate

(21)污水 sewage

(22)植被 vegetation



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