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发布时间: 2024-05-21 09:54:40   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 来自世界各地的艺术家们都会聚集在哈尔滨——这个位于中国北部的,以冰雪著称的城市——给人们带来一场由冰雪,焰火组成的视觉...

1. 哈尔滨



The Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival 2012, started from 5th January lasting for nearly three months, is definitely the highlight and must-go of a winter tour to China. Every year, artists from around the world will gather in China's northern city Harbin to create a fantasy of ice, snow, and fireworks. There will be literally an ice city created for the festival. Tens of thousands tons of ice and snow will be used to construct buildings and restaurants in life sizes, and thousands of ice and snow sculptures will be created.

2. 园林





Suzhou, known as the home of gardens, displays the most and best traditional private gardens in China. Among them, the Pavilion of the Surging Waves is known for its rustic charm, Lion Grove for its strange rockeries, the Humble Administrator's Garden for its tranquil waters and elegant buildings, and Lingering Garden for its ancient architectural art and the arrangement of hills, waters and plants. They are the examples of the garden styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties respectively.

Gardens in Yangzhou are characterized by their architectural style and artistic rockeries, whereas Guangdong style gardens are distinguished by large ponds, brightly colored buildings, and luxuriant plants.

Landscape gardens are different and are places for public recreation. The landscape garden mainly contains natural scenes, so it looks more natural than artificial. Good examples include the ten West Lake scenes in Hangzhou, the twenty-four Slender West Lake scenes in Yangzhou, and the eight Daming Lake scenes in Jinan.



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