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发布时间: 2018-07-31 09:10:38   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 说理类广告重点在于传递信息,这类广告又被称为是“硬销”(hard sell)类广告,上述“记实体”广告就属于这一类。


1. 说理类广告

说理类广告重点在于传递信息,这类广告又被称为是“硬销”(hard sell)类广告。上述“记实体”广告就属于这一类。又例如:

The only sure way to prove the real worth of any product is to test it . And new formula Colgate Plax, the pre-brush dental rinse, has just been thoroughly tested.

The whole trial lasted six months and involved men and women of all ages and from all walks of life. All were asked to rinse for 60 seconds before brushing:half used new formula Plax. the other half used a neutral coloured liquid but of course nobody knew which they were using.

The results were both dramatic and conclusive and have now been published. The half who had used rinsed with new formula Plax showed a 24% reduction in plaque overall. Those rinsing with the other liquid showed no reduction at all.

And now we've made Plax even better, with a coupon that saves you $ 2 off a new bottle.

We've proved that new formula Plax is dramatically more effective at reducing plaque than brushing alone. Clip the coupon and prove it to yourself.

以上广告通过令人信服的产品对比实验结果来说明新配方的漱口液质量好。 广告的第一句就说,证明产品的真正价值的惟一办法是测试。这一点广大的消费者是认可的。然后,广告通过实验对比的结果说明两种漱口液质量的差别。整个广告基本没有渲染的语言,没有用修辞手段来进行艺术加工,所用的语言明白易懂,准确、客观。我们在翻译这类广告时必须充分体现出这种语言风格。以下是该广告的译文:



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