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现在,我国的改革与发展处于关键时期,改革在广度上已涉及经济、政治、文化等所有领域,在深度上已触及人们具体的经济利益,发展方面已由单纯追求 GDP上升到追求人文GDP、环保CDP,实现人口、资源、环境统筹协调发展。
诚信缺失lack of credibility
和谐相处 live in harmony
和则生谐 Reconciliation leads to harmony.
构建和谐社会 build a harmonious society
实现社会公平与正义 ensure equity and justice
减少社会不平等现象reduce social inequalities
艇政文化建设 foster a culture of clean govemment
和谐共赢all-win harmony; harmony and all winners
和为贵Harmony is most precious. / Peace is to be cherished.
君子和而不同 Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity
和则两利Reconciliation benefits both. / Peace benefits both.
和而不同harmony in diversity; harmony without uniformity
和实生物,同则不继 Harmony generates and sameness stops /stifles vitality
疏导公众情绪defuse public anger / discontent; to properly channel public sentiments
让我们为构建和谐社会事业贡献自己力量 Let's make our contributions to the building of the harmonious society
天人合一 the unity of man / human and nature; Heaven-man Oneness(书面)
发展为了人民,发展依靠人民,发展成果由人民共享。Development for the people, by the people and to the benefit of the people.
Harmony is the way to be.
Harmony rallies strength and leads to great successes.
Harmony is a defining / core value of China's cultural tradition. It is an ideal that the Chinese nation has never ceased to pursue.
“Harmony is most precious”. This means that mutual help and friendly co-existence between states, nations and people should be our ultimate pursuit.
“Harmony generates vitality". This means that only with mutual interaction and enrichment can different civilizations rejuvenate and continue to grow.