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科技翻译例文——海洋可持续发展战略/Sustainable Marine Development Strategy

发布时间: 2024-05-28 09:34:52   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 译者不详,属于典型的非文学翻译,文中海洋类词汇较多,句式比较复杂,注意译者在处理句式时的方法和技巧。



China has a population of more than 1.2 billion, and its land natural resources per capita are lower than the world's average.


Official statistics show that China has a land area of 9.6 million sq km, making it the third-biggest country in the world.


However, the land area per capita is only 0.008 sqkm, much lower than the world's average of 0.3 sq km per capita.


In recent years China’s average annual amount of freshwater resources has been 2,800 billion cu m, ranking sixth in the world, but the amount of freshwater resources per capita is only one-fourth the world average.


China is rich in land mineral resources, but the amount per capita is less than half the figure per capita worldwide.


As a major developing country with a long coastline, China, therefore, must take exploitation and protection of the ocean as a long-term strategic task before it can achieve the sustainable development of its national economy.


China boasts a mainland coastline of more than 18,000 km.


There are more than 5,000 islands in Chinas territorial waters, each with an area of more than 500 sq m, and the islands’ coastlines total more than 14,000 km.


China also exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over the vast continental shelves and exclusive economic zones (EEZs), as defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the sea.


Located in medium and low latitudes, China's sea areas have comparatively advantageous natural environmental and resource conditions.


Some 20,278 species of sea creatures have been verified there.


The fishing grounds that have been developed in China's sea areas cover 818,000 square nautical miles.

中国有浅海、滩涂总面积约1 333万公顷,按现在的科学水平,可进行人工养殖的水面有260万公顷,已经开发利用的有93.8万公顷。

The shallow seas and tidelands have a total area of 13.33 million ha, of which 2.6 million ha of water surface are suitable for the raising of aquatic products in terms of the current scientific level. So far, 938,000 ha are being utilized for this purpose.


Scattered in these offshore waters are more than 30 sedimentation basins, with a total area of nearly 700,000 sq km.


It is estimated that there are about 25 billion tons of oil resources and 8.4 trillion cu m of natural gas in these basins.


More than 160 bays are spread along China's coasts, plus the deep-water stretches of coast with a total length of several hundred kilometers. Many spots along the coastline are suitable for constructing harbors and developing marine transportation.


There are more than 1,500 tourist, scenic and recreational spots favorable for developing marine tourism.


In addition, China's offshore areas abound in seawater resources and regenerable marine energy resources.



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