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发布时间: 2018-05-27 13:00:10   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国教育部   浏览次数:

  第九条 学位授予单位,应当设立学位评定委员会,并组织有关学科的学位论文答辩委员会。


  第十条 学位论文答辩委员会负责审查硕士和博士学位论文、组织答辩,就是否授予硕士学位或博士学位作出决议。决议以不记名投票方式,经全体成员三分之二以上通过,报学位评定委员会。


Article 9 Each degree-conferring entity shall establish an academic degree evaluation committee and form dissertation defence committees for the disciplines concerned.

A dissertation defence committee must include relevant specialists from other entities, and the committee members shall be selected and determined by the degree-conferring entity concerned. The name list of the members of the academic degree evaluation committee shall be determined by the degree-conferring entity, and shall be reported to and put on records at the relevant departments of the State Council and the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council.

Article 10 The dissertation defence committee shall be responsible for examining the dissertations for master’s or doctor’s degrees, organizing their oral defence and adopting resolutions whether or not to confer the master’s or doctor’s degrees. Each resolution shall be adopted by secret ballot and with a two-thirds majority of the committee members supporting and then submitted to the academic degree evaluation committee. 

The academic degree evaluation committee shall be responsible for examining and approving the list of holders of the bachelor’s degree and for making a decision whether or not to approve each resolution on the conferment of a master’s or doctor’s degree submitted by the dissertation defence committee. Each decision shall be adopted by secret ballot and with a simple majority of the committee members supporting. The list of persons to be conferred a master’s or doctor’s degree shall be submitted to the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council for the record.


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