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1. In building the hospital they have spent more money than was necessary.
2. It is a fact that there is no more loyal road to medical research than to other branch of knowledge.
3. The man who does the greatest things does them more by steady, continued toil than by fitful efforts.
4. The history of civilization shows how man always has to choose between making the right and wrong use of the discoveries of science. This has never been more true than in our
5. Some social scientists have argued that such unbalanced coverage can lead the public to believe that traits, behaviors, and diseases are biologically determined. Others have attempted to refute this claim based on evidence that the media are no more likely to attribute disease to genetic cause now than they were 2 decades ago, despite recent increase in media coverage.
1. 年龄在55-74岁的男性死于心脏病的可能性是女性的2倍。
Men between ages 55-74 are twice as likely as women to die of heart disease.
Stroke, cancer, heart disease and accidents -- all among the top causes of death -- kill men at a higher rate than women.
3. 尽管女性试图自杀的人数是男性的2 -3倍,但男性实际自杀的人数是女性的4倍。
Though women attempt suicide two to three times as often as men, four times as many men actually kill themselves.
4. 男性出生人数稍微多于女性(约 105 :100),但如果早产,男孩的死亡率比女 孩更高:男孩为22%,女孩为15%。
Male births slightly outnumber female births (about 105 to 100), but boys have a higher death rate if born premature: 22 percent compared with 15 percent for girls.
5. 一种药物如果只能抑制疾病的先兆症象而不能消除疾病本身,它可能有害无益。
A medicine may do more harm than good if it merely suppresses the warning signs of illness without removing the illness itself.
6. 纯科学家与应用科学家之间的所谓区别,与其说是真的,不如说是表面的。
The so called division between the pure scientist and the applied scientist is more apparent than real.