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发布时间: 2018-05-28 16:09:38   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国教育部   浏览次数:

  第二十一条 国家实行高等教育自学考试制度,经考试合格的,发给相应的学历证书或者其他学业证书。

  第二十二条 国家实行学位制度。学位分为学士、硕士和博士。


Article 21 The State applies a system of higher education examinations for self-taught people, under which those who have passed the examinations shall be issued appropriate academic qualification certificates or other education certificates.

Article 22 The State applies a system of academic degrees. The academic degrees include the bachelor’s, the master’s and the doctor’s degrees.

Citizens, who through receiving higher education or self-teaching, have met the qualifications for academic degrees in terms of their educational level as prescribed by the State, may apply to degree-conferring bodies for the issue of appropriate degrees.

  第二十三条 高等学校和其他高等教育机构应当根据社会需要和自身办学条件,承担实施继续教育的工作。

第三章 高等学校的设立

  第二十四条 设立高等学校,应当符合国家高等教育发展规划,符合国家利益和社会公共利益。

Article 23 Higher education institutions and other higher education organizations shall undertake continuing education in light of social needs and their own conditions for offering such education.


Article 24 Higher education institutions shall be established in accordance with State plans for the development of higher education and in keeping with the interests of the State and the public; they may not be established for purposes of making profits.

  第二十五条 设立高等学校,应当具备教育法规定的基本条件。



Article 25 The basic conditions as provided for in the Education Law shall be fulfilled for establishment of a higher education institution.

Universities and independent colleges shall, in addition, have a stronger staff for teaching and research, a higher level of teaching and research, as well as a necessary size of the student body, so that they can offer regular course education and education at a higher level.

Moreover, universities shall offer at least three branches of learning designated by the State as the main courses. The specific requirements for establishment of higher education institutions shall be formulated by the State Council.

The specific requirements for establishment of other higher education organizations shall be drawn up by the relevant departments authorized by the State Council or by the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in accordance with the principles laid down by the State Council.


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