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发布时间: 2018-03-20 09:07:04   作者:译聚网   来源: 法律翻译网   浏览次数:

  第五十六条 县级以上地方人民政府采取多种就业形式,拓宽公益性岗位范围,开发就业岗位,确保城市有就业需求的家庭至少有一人实现就业。

  Where all the members of a family who have reached the statutory working age are unemployed, they may apply for employment aid to the public service for employment of the neighborhood or community where they live. The said public service for employment shall, upon verification, provide a suitable job to one member of the family at least.


  Article 57 The State encourages the cities open to resources exploitation and the independent industrial and mining areas to develop industries that meet market demand and guide people to find jobs in these industries.

  第五十七条 国家鼓励资源开采型城市和独立工矿区发展与市场需求相适应的产业,引导劳动者转移就业。

  To the areas where it becomes difficult for a large number of persons to find jobs because the resources there are exhausted or the structure of the economy is readjusted, or for other reasons, the people's governments at a higher level shall provide the necessary support and assistance.



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