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发布时间: 2018-03-20 09:07:04   作者:译聚网   来源: 法律翻译网   浏览次数:

  Article 50 Local people's governments at all levels shall take effective measures to make arrangement for and give guidance to the rural workers who go to cities for employment to participate in skill training in this respect, and encourage various types of training institutions to provide skill training to such rural workers to increase their employability and capability of starting undertakings.

  第五十条 地方各级人民政府采取有效措施,组织和引导进城就业的农村劳动者参加技能培训,鼓励各类培训机构为进城就业的农村劳动者提供技能培训,增强其就业能力和创业能力。

  Article 51 The State applies a vocational certification system to the workers who are engaged in such special types of work as those involving public security, human health, safety of people's lives and property. The specific measures in this respect shall be formulated by the State Council.

  第五十一条 国家对从事涉及公共安全、人身健康、生命财产安全等特殊工种的劳动者,实行职业资格证书制度,具体办法由国务院规定。

Chapter VI Employment Aid

第六章 就业援助

  Article 52 People's governments at all levels shall establish a sound employment aid system and, in their support and assistance, give priority to the persons who have difficulty in finding jobs, by means of exemption and deduction of taxes and fees, discount interest loans, social insurance subsidies, post subsidies, by providing public welfare jobs and through other channels. 

  第五十二条 各级人民政府建立健全就业援助制度,采取税费减免、贷款贴息、社会保险补贴、岗位补贴等办法,通过公益性岗位安置等途径,对就业困难人员实行优先扶持和重点帮助。

  By persons who have difficulty in finding jobs are meant those persons who have difficulty in getting employed because of their physical condition, level of skills, family factor, loss of land, etc., or who cannot get re-employed after being unemployed for a continuous period of time. The specific range of persons who have difficulty in finding jobs shall be separately defined by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in light of the actual conditions of their respective administrative areas.



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