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医学口译例文——Healthy Living

发布时间: 2024-11-23 11:11:27   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: Could healthy living actually reduce your chance of developing Alzheimer's?

1. Could healthy living actually reduce your chance of developing Alzheimer's? The researchers behind today's study believe it can.


2. They've highlighted seven life factors they believe a link to developing dementia. 


3. The two most important risk factors, according to this study, are depression and physical inactivity.


4. They say just sitting on the sofa is one of the biggest risk factors for you to develop Alzheimer's.


5. Other risks: Not surprisingly smoking, if you have high blood pressure, if you overweight or have diabetes, they believe that your risk is greater.


6. If the researchers are right, this list of seven risk factors really do play a big role in developing Alzheimer's. Then there is a reason to hope.


7. The researchers say if everybody reduces the risk factors by 25%, smoking 25% less, exercise 25% more, then half a million new cases of Alzheimer's could be prevented. 

研究人员说,如果每个人减少25%的风险因素,减少25%的吸烟,增加25% 的锻炼,那么100万老年痴呆症的新发病例中有一半可以得到预防。

8. So the message tonight: throw out those cigarettes, reach for the cross-word and get off that couch. It's good for your body today, and possibly for your mind tomorrow. 




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