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发布时间: 2024-08-10 16:45:53   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 医学专业英语解剖学词汇,女性生殖,例如,areola of breast 乳晕,abdominal orifce of uterine tube 输卵管腹腔口。

第六章 女性生殖系统

Chapter 6 Female Reproductive System

areola of breast 乳晕

abdominal orifce of uterine tube 输卵管腹腔口

anal region 肛区

ampulla of uterine tube 输卵管壶腹

anococcygeal ligament 肛尾韧带

areolar gland 乳晕腺

axillary process 腋突

body of clitoris 阴蒂体

body of uterus 子宫体

broad ligament of uterus 子宫阔韧带

bulb of vestibule 前庭球

bulbocavernosus 球海绵体肌

canal of cervix of uterus 子宫颈管

cardinal ligament of uterus 子宫主韧带

cavernous body of clitoris 阴蒂海绵体

cavity of uterus 子宫腔

clitoris 阴蒂

coccygeus 尾骨肌

crus of clitoris 阴蒂脚

deep perineal space 会阴深隙

deep transverse muscle of perineum 会阴深横肌

fimbriae of uterine tube 输卵管伞

fornix of vagina 阴道穹

free border 独立缘

fundus of uterus 子宫底

glans of clitoris 阴蒂头

greater lip of pudendum大阴唇

geater vestibular gland 前庭大腺

hilum of ovary 卵巢门

horn of uterus 子宫角

hymen 处女膜

infundibulum of uterine tube 输卵管漏斗

ischioanal fossa 坐骨肛门窝

ischiocavernosus 坐骨海绵体肌

isthmus of uterine tube 输卵管峡

isthmus of uterus 子宫峡

lactiferous ducts 输乳管

lactiferous sinus 输乳管窦

lesser lip of pudendum 小阴唇

levator ani 肛提肌

lobe of mammary gland 乳腺叶

lobule of mammary gland 乳腺小叶

mamma, breast 乳房

mammary papilla 乳头


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