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发布时间: 2020-11-07 09:07:43   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

First,there are quite a few English expressions which, though of a "comparative degree" in form,stand for a specific concept or state of affairs; and this kind of "comparative degree" is usually not to be expressed in the Chinese version, e. g, "Many seats of higher learning have graduate programs in this field." In this sentence “higher learning”means“高等学问”。So the sentence should be translated into:“许多高等学问的研究场所(如大学、研究院、所等)都开设这方面的研究生课程。”Similarly, “higher education”——“高等教育”;“younger generation”——“年轻的一代”;“better students”——“优秀学生”;“weaker states”——“弱国”etc.

Second, whereas in English there are“signs of comparison”like “-er” and “-est”,in Chinese too there are “更” and “最”. Howevert we should on no account equate“更” with“-er”and“最”with “-est” in a mechanical way. For instance, how are we to translate“To make this simpler, research workers often use specific gravity instead of density." According to usage of the Chinese language, “更”is not called for and the sentence should normally be rendered into:“为了简便,研究人员常常使用比重而不用密度。”Similarly, we should translate "But if the steel plate is shaped into a ship, the air that is in the space in the steel hull makes the specific gravity of the ship smaller." into“但是,如果将钢板做成船的话,那么,钢质船体内所含的空气使船的比重减小。”“It is enough to know that the sound becomes weaker as the air is taken from the bottle. ”into“只要知道当空气从瓶中抽出时铃声变弱就够了。”“This laboratory is smaller than that one. ”——“这个实验室比那个小。”




1. 冠词的省咯


2. 所有格代词的省略 



3. 关系代词、关系副词或代词的省略


4. 结构用词的省略



5. 形式主语或形式宾语(it)的省略 


6. 联系动同或起联系动词作用的动词的省略。


7. 汉译中省珞“比较级的标记”


第一,有相当多的英语表述,尽管在形式上用的是“比较级”,但却表示事物的具体概念或状态。因此,这类“比较级”在汉语中通常不表示出来。例如:Many seats of higher learning have graduate programs in this field. 在这个句子中“higher learning”的意思是“高等学问”。因此该句应译成:许多髙等学问的研究场所(如大学、研究院、所等)都开设这方面的研究生课程。与此类似:“higher education”是“高等教育”:“younger generation”是“年轻的一代”;“better students”是“优秀学生”;“weaker states”是“弱国”等等。

第二,像英语中有“-er ”和“-est ”一类比较级的标记一样,汉语中也有“更”字和“最”字,但是,决不可机械地把“更”字同“~er”、把“最”字同“-est”划上等号。例如,如何翻译“To make this simpler, research workers often use specific gravity instead of density. ”按照汉语的用法,不需要用“更”字,句子通常应译成:为了简便、研究人员常常使用比重而不用密度。与此类似,(例句参考上文。)



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