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发布时间: 2020-11-09 09:05:23   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 中譯英常易譯錯的文句舉例,粘贴出来供大家参考。

1. 中国的京劇你覺得怎樣?

How do you think of Chinese opera?(誤)

What do you think of Chinese opera?(正)

How do you feel about Chinese opera?(正)

How do you like Chinese opera?(正)

注 How do you like it? = Do you like it much or little or dislike it?

2. 第二次世界大戰是一九四五年八月十五日結束的。

The World War II came to an end on August 15, 1945.(誤) 

World War II came to an end on August 15th, 1945. (正)

The Second World War ended on August 15th, 1945.(正)

3. 昨天晚上我們整晚在看電視。

We spent last evening watching the television.(誤)

We spent last evening watching television.(正)

注television是一個不可數的名詞,不能加冠詞,也不能變成複數,但加有 set —字時則非加冠詞不可,如She won't leave 

the television set even though her husband is waiting for his supper.

4. 旅行社告訴了我們許多關於夏威夷的情形。

The travel agency sent us many infonnmions about the Hawaiian Islands.(誤)

The travel agency sent us much information about the Hawaiian Islands.(正)



The vacation begins from tomorrow. (誤)

The vacation begins tomorrow. (正)

注中文的「從」字在這場合是不要譯出的,其他埸合也不要譯成from, 例如「新學期從四月開始。」The new term begins in 

April.「新學期從四月五日開始。」The new term begins on the 5th of April. 「茶會從六點關始。」The tea party begins 

at six o'clock.「敎育從一個人出生開始。」Education begins with a man's birth. 例句中的tomorrow,是一個副詞,副詞

前是不可以用介詞的。April, the 5th, six o'clock, birth 都是名詞。


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