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发布时间: 2019-01-18 09:01:52   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 汉语句子如前半句说明一方面情況,后半句说明另—方面的情况,英译时即可断句,译文会更清晰、明快。


1) ー种是一般性的错误,另ー种是原则性的错误。

One kind is mistakes of an ordinary nature. The Other kind is mistakes of principle.

2) 钉子是热的良导体,而纸是热的不良导体。

The nail is a good conductor of heat. The paper is bad conductor of heat,

3) 把右手放在热水里,把左手放在冰水里。

Put your right hand in the hot water. Put your left hand in the cold water.

4) 我们无法看见辐射能,而只能感到辐射能。

We cannot see radiant energy. We can only feel it.

5) 你的眼睛能看到近处的物体,也能君到远处的物体。

Your eyes can see near objects. They can also see far objects.

6) 汽车要烧燃料才能跑,飞机要烧燃枓才能飞。

A motor-car runs by burning fuel. An aeroplane flies by burning fuel.

7) 热能够把固体的东西变为液体,也能把液体的东西变成气体。

Heat can change a thing which is a solid into a liguid. It can also change a thing which is a liquid into a gas,

8) 第一个电极叫发射极,第二个叫基极,而第三个叫集电极。

The first is called the emitter. The second is the base and the third the collector.

2. 汉语句子中意思的层次比较多,在译成英语时,如遇到主语的转换,便可另立一句。例如:

1) 水蒸汽接触到冷瓶子时,就冷却为水,瓶子就湿了。

When the steam touches the cold bottle, it cools and changes into water again. The bottle becomes wet.


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