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发布时间: 2018-12-13 09:18:58   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

从这些平行文本里面,还可以顺藤摸瓜,找到更多的平行文本。比如,用 image consultant、colour analysis and make-up 等可以继续搜索。如果觉得找到平行文本关联性不大,就换个思路,用别的关键词查找。找不到与整篇文章关联的文本,可以针对具体的段落来查找,比如,找A-shape,H-shape,Y-shape (shape也是通过阅读平行文本得到的启发)可发现:

MyShape breaks body shapes into seven categories: Shape M, Shape Y, Shape S, Shape H, Shape A, Shape P and Shape E.

Once you've figured out which body shape you are, you can then decide to shop on the MyShape site that is full of great fashion at all price points.

运气好的话,平行文本能够解决大多数知识和术语问题。阅读平行文本的另一个好处,是获得相关文本的行文特点,培养语感。但平行文本不会解决所有问题,总会有一些词语在平行文本中査不到,这时就需要针对 词汇做些搜索。比如,可以把英文关键词,如garment, fashion, apparel, glossary, terminology等放在一起,搜索英文术语;也可以用“服装”、“词 汇”、“术语”、“亮片”等结合起来搜索中国人整理的汉英对照词汇;还可把中英文结合起来搜索。比如,用“garment亮片”搜索,会发现“亮片” 的说法是rhinestone或sequin等等。这时不要急于使用rhinestone或sequin, 要在英英词典或英语平行文本中检验这两个词是否正确或常用。经查英英 词典,sequin 的解释是 a small shining disk or spangle used for ornamentation, as on women’s clothing and accessories or on theatrical costumes. Rhinestone 的解释是 Rhinestones are shiny, glass jewels that are used in cheap jewellery and to decorate clothes.从英文解释来看,前者是“片”、后者是“珠”,好 像有区别。用“sequin Wikipedia”搜一下,发现有一篇文章,里面写道:

Sequins are disk-shaped beads used for decorative purposes. They are available in a wide variety of colors and geometrical shapes. Sequins are commonly used on clothing, jewelry, bags and other accessories....


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