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发布时间: 2018-08-07 08:59:06   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

经过删节的原文句子有时会出现结构不完整的现象,译者应对其进行调整,按照汉语表达习惯酌情增添过渡或衔接词语,力求使译文信息完整、语句通顺,如例1中添加的 “前后”。

2. 从语篇中摘译句子

同理,语篇摘译可以从删除可有可无的句子开始,对保留下来的句子亦可适当删除其中的部分词语,然后对译文语句进行调整,理顺关系,突出中心,使之成为ー篇短小精悍的佳作。至于哪些部分需要删除,不同译者可能会有不同的判断和选择,译文风格也会略有不同,但至少要在“核心信息”上保持基本一致。摘译通常要求由译者在短时间内完成,因此,摘译者的经验、知识面、判断力和责任心是至关重要的。例2选用的是美国《财富》 (Fortune)杂志的一篇短评,因本章篇幅所限,没有提供全译。但是,通过比较原文和准备摘译的部分(即没有下划线的部分),也能从中领略到摘译的要领(甚至在此基础上进ー步压缩),并且应用到篇幅更长的文章和专著的摘译实践中。

例2 Make Sure You Chop the Dead Wood

Mass layoffs won't work if you can't get rid of weak managers. Here comes the wave:General Motors to lay off 15,000, Whirlpool 6,300, Gillette 2,700, Aetna 2,400, and we'll see plenty more such announcements in coming weeks and hear justified teeth-gnashing over the plight of the laid-off, the return of the business cycle, ete. Let's just remember that a more significant trend, one you won't see reported on any newspaper's front page,is the opposite:We're in the middle of a vast and dangerous wave of nonfiring. Across America heartless executives every day are not firing employees by the thousands. The damage to millions of lives,and to the economy,is beyond calculating.

This is no joke, and here's why. An infotech-based economy multiplies, rather than diminishes, the importance of getting the maximum contribution from every employee. Increasingly, that's the only competitive advantage you have. Economies of scale are worth less every day;so are most of the other nonhuman factors on which companies used to build margins. People are all that's left, and for most companies that's a big problem because it means underperformers--- especially underperforming managers 一 have to be moved aside or moved out. The great majority of companies can't handle it.


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