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发布时间: 2018-06-22 15:55:54   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国海关总署   浏览次数:
摘要: 为了规范海关对进出境运输工具舱单的管理,促进国际贸易便利,保障国际贸易安全,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》(以下简称《海...

  第十九条 进境运输工具载有旅客的,运输工具负责人或者海关监管场所经营人应当在进境运输工具下客完毕后3小时以内向海关提交进境旅客及其行李物品结关申请,并提供实际下客人数、托运行李物品提取数量以及未运抵行李物品数量。经海关核对无误的,可以办理结关手续;原始舱单与结关申请不相符的,运输工具负责人或者海关监管场所经营人应当在进境运输工具下客完毕后24小时以内向海关报告不相符的原因。 


Article 19 Where there is any passenger on board the inbound means of transport, the operator of the means of transport or the manager of the Customs-controlled premises shall submit to Customs a Customs clearance application for the inbound passenger(s) and his/her/their luggage within three (3) hours as of the completion of disembarkation of the inbound means of transport, and provide the actual numbers of disembarked passengers, claimed check-in luggage and luggage yet to arrive. If the numbers are correct upon verification by Customs, the Customs clearance formalities may be carried out. Where there is any inconsistency between the original manifest and the Customs clearance application, the operator of the means of transport or the manager of the Customs-controlled premises shall report to Customs the reason(s) for the inconsistency within 24 hours as of the completion of disembarkation of the inbound means of transport. 

The operator of the means of transport or the manager of the Customs-controlled premises shall deliver the unclaimed check-in luggage over to Customs for disposal. 

第三章 出境舱单的管理 

    第二十条 以集装箱运输的货物、物品,出口货物发货人应当在货物、物品装箱以前向海关传输装箱清单电子数据。 

  第二十一条 出境运输工具预计载有货物、物品的,舱单传输人应当在办理货物、物品申报手续以前向海关传输预配舱单主要数据。 

Chapter III Administration of Manifests of Outbound Means of Transport 

Article 20 For goods or articles to be transported in containers, the consignor of the export goods or articles shall transmit the electronic data of the packing list to Customs before the loading of the goods or articles onto the containers. 

Article 21 Where it is estimated that there will be goods or articles on board the outbound means of transport, manifest transmission parties shall transmit to Customs the main data of the advance manifest in electronic form before going through customs declaration formalities for the goods or articles. 






After Customs has received and accepted the transmitted main data of the advance manifest, manifest transmission parties shall transmit to Customs other data of the advance manifest by the following deadlines: 

(a) Twenty-four (24) hours before loading onto container vessels, and two (2) hours before loading of goods or articles onto the non-container vessels; 

(b) Four (4) hours before loading of goods or articles onto aircrafts; 

(c) Two (2) hours before loading of goods or articles onto railway trains; or 

(d) One (1) hour before loading of goods or articles onto road vehicles. 


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