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发布时间: 2018-06-21 15:49:03   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国海关总署   浏览次数:

  第二十条 使馆和使馆人员申请将原进境机动车辆复运出境的,应当经主管海关审核批准。使馆和使馆人员凭海关开具的《领/销牌照通知书》向公安交通管理部门办理注销牌照手续。主管海关凭使馆和使馆人员交来的《领/销牌照通知书》回执联,办理结案手续。


Article 20 Where a diplomatic mission or a member of its staff intends to re-export out of China a motor vehicle previously imported, it (he/she) shall apply to the competent customs house for approval. With the Notice of Fetching/Revoking the License Plate issued by customs, the diplomatic mission or its staff shall go through the license plate revoking formalities at the public security & transportation authorities. Upon presentation of the return receipt of the Notice of Fetching/Revoking the License Plate by the diplomatic mission or its staff, the competent customs house shall go through the formalities to clear the case.

Where a staff member of a diplomatic mission in possession of a motor vehicle previously imported duty-free is leaving his/her post and going back to the sending State, and as such has to go through the exporting formalities of his/her articles for personal use, he/she shall first go to the competent customs house for formalities to clear the case on his/her vehicle for personal use. 

第四章 外交邮袋监管

  第二十一条 使馆发送或者接收的外交邮袋,应当以装载外交文件或者公务用品为限,并符合中国政府关于外交邮袋重量、体积等的相关规定,同时施加使馆已在海关备案的封志。

  第二十二条 外交信使携带(含附载于同一运输工具的)外交邮袋进出境时,必须持有派遣国主管机关出具的载明其身份和所携外交邮袋件数的信使证明书。海关验核信使证明书无误后予以免验放行。

Chapter IV Supervision and Control over Diplomatic Pouches 

Article 21 Diplomatic pouches sent or received by a diplomatic mission shall contain diplomatic papers or articles intended for official use only, comply with the relevant provisions of the Chinese government on the weight and dimensions of diplomatic pouches, and be sealed with the seal of the diplomatic mission already recorded at customs.

Article 22 When a diplomatic courier is carrying diplomatic pouches into or out of China, including those loaded on the same means of transport, he/she shall be provided with a courier certificate issued by the competent authorities of the sending State that indicates his/her capacity and the number of diplomatic pouches he/she carries. After customs has verified that the courier certificate is authentic and valid, it shall give release instruction without inspection.


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