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发布时间: 2018-06-21 15:49:03   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国海关总署   浏览次数:

第二章 进境物品监管

  第十条 使馆运进(含在境内外交人员免税店购买以及依法接受转让)烟草制品、酒精饮料和机动车辆等公用物品,海关在规定数量范围内(见附件1)予以免税。 

  第十一条 外交代表运进(含在境内外交人员免税店购买以及依法接受转让)烟草制品、酒精饮料和机动车辆等自用物品,海关在规定数量范围内(见附件2)予以免税。

Chapter II Supervision and Control over Imported Articles 

Article 10 Where a diplomatic mission imports into China such articles for official use as tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and motor vehicles, including those purchased at Chinese duty-free shops for diplomats or lawfully obtained through transference, customs shall exempt the duties on the said articles within the prescribed quantity (see Annex 1).

Article 11 Where a diplomatic officer imports into China such articles for personal use as tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and motor vehicles, including those purchased at Chinese duty-free shops for diplomats or lawfully obtained through transference, customs shall exempt the duties on the said articles within the prescribed quantity (see Annex 2).

  第十二条 使馆行政技术人员和服务人员,如果不是中国公民并且不在中国永久居留的,其到任后6个月内运进的安家物品,经主管海关审核在直接需用数量范围内的(其中自用小汽车每户限1辆),海关予以免税验放。超出规定时限运进的物品,经海关核准仍属自用的,按照《中华人民共和国海关对非居民长期旅客进出境自用物品监管办法》的规定办理。 

  第十三条 使馆和使馆人员运进公用、自用物品,应当填写《中华人民共和国海关外交公/自用物品进出境申报单》(以下简称《申报单》,见附件3),向主管海关提出申请,并附提(运)单、发票、装箱单、身份证件复印件等有关单证材料。其中,运进机动车辆的,还应当递交使馆照会。

Article 12 For administrative, technical or service staff of a diplomatic mission, if they are not Chinese nationals, nor permanent residents in China, their settlement articles (as for cars for personal use,only one for each household) imported into China within 6 months after their arrival shall be exempted from duties and released upon verification by customs after the competent customs house confirms that the articles are within the directly needed quantity. Articles imported into China after the expiration of the time limit shall be handled in accordance with the Measures of the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China on Supervision and Control over Articles Imported and Exported by Non-resident Permanent Passengers for Personal Use, if customs confirms that the articles are for personal use.

Article 13 Where a diplomatic mission or a member of its staff imports articles for official or personal use into China, it (he/she) shall fill out a Declaration Form of the Customs of the People’s Republic of China for Imported/Exported Diplomatic Items for Official/Personal Use (hereinafter referred to as the Declaration Form, see Annex 3), and file an application with the competent customs house together with the bill of lading (or waybill), invoice, packing list, photocopies of relevant identity certificates and other relevant documents. For the importation of a motor vehicle, a diplomatic note shall also be furnished.



Where a diplomatic mission imports into China articles necessary for non-commercial activities it holds or attends, it shall submit a diplomatic note and a written statement about the title of the articles, the location, date and scope of the activities, organizers, participants and the final disposal of the articles. If it is to hold an occasion at a place other than its own premises, it shall also furnish a duplicate of the contract concluded with the place where the activity is to be held.

Customs shall, within 10 working days as of the date of acceptance of the declaration, decide to approve or disapprove the entry of the said articles.


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