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发布时间: 2019-06-18 08:57:14   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

(3) 需进ー步说明的问题。如《素问•上古天真论》“其次有圣人者,处天地之和,从八风之理,……”“八风”译为“eight winds”, 在脚注中先说明(And they follow closely the nature of the eight winds),然沿引用了《说文解字》中対“八风”的解释:“八风 means :the wind comes from eight different directions. The wind that comes from the East is called 清明庶风;the wind that comes from the south-east is called 清明风;the wind that comes from the south is called 景风;the wind that comes from the south-west is called 凉风;the wind that comes from the west is called 阊阖风;and the wind that comes from the north-west is called 不周风;and the wind that comes from the north is called 广莫风;and the wind that comes from the north-east is called 融风”,并注明了出处“See: Shuo-wen chieh-tzu 说文解字,chap. 13”。

(4) 怀疑有误的地方。《素问•生气通天论》“旷因于寒,欲如运枢”,译为“In time of the cold (of winter) one should act as though one were moving around a pivot (冬天)天冷时,人就应像绕着门轴那样运动”。“欲如运枢”,因原文缺乏表层语法结构,译者增添了“人(one)”为译文主语,但意义不通,译者怀疑原文有误,故于脚注中注:“The character 枢 may also be a mistake and might be read as 柩;then the sentence should read: 'As though one were transporting a coffin, containing a corpse. ’ (i. e. , one should move very quietly. )”。(“枢”这个字可能错了,可能是“柩”,那么该句子就应该为 “好像搬运装着尸体的棺材一祥”,(也就是说,应该非常轻地运动)。这样的理解是否正确,有待商権。但用脚注注明疑点,提出自己的猜测,为后人的研究提供了线索和思路。

(5) 既需要进ー步表达,又需要进ー步说明,加词并脚注。如 《素问•生气通天论》“其生五,其气三”译为:“Life has (the number) five, breath has (the number) three.”括号中添加了 (the number),使译句通顺:由于“五”在上下文中较容易理解,为“金、木、水、火、土”五行,而“三”却不易理解,故又在脚注中注明:“ According to Wang Ping, the three factors are: the heavenly climate, the subtle spirit of the earth,and good fortune.”(王冰注:‘ 三,谓天气、 地气、运气也。’)



1. 该译著中有一些较严重的理解错误。

该译著的语言,正如西格内斯特博士评论的,“…成功地描绘了早期中医的画面(...has succeeded in giving an excellent picture of early Chinese medicine) ”,“读上去非常流畅、保持原文的风味(reads very fluently and has maintained the flavor ot the original)。

但正由于该书是现存的少量英文比较通顺的《内经》英译本, 西方在援引《内经》语句时往往使用该译本的译句,因此其错误的严重性不容忽视。

2. 译同与西医术语混淆,易引起混乱。

如“经络”一词翻译为“vessels and duels",由于“血管”为blood vessel,人体中许多管、导管称为duct,如guttural duct(咽鼓管)、 gall duct(胆管) 、ovarian duct(输卵管)等等。经络如翻译为“vessels and ducts”很容易引起混乱。不如将“经络”翻译为现在流行的 meridian 或者 channel。

尽管有一些错误和问题,威斯女士《黄帝内经》的翻译,作为第 一部公开出版的《黄帝内经》英文译本,较系统地向西方介绍了中医基础理论,对中医药走向世界的贡献是巨大的,尤其是大量的注 释,为后人进ー步的研究打下了良好的基础。



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