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商务口译例文——Entrepreneurial Culture/企业文化

发布时间: 2024-03-23 10:41:58   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

Then, what constitutes entrepreneurial culture?

Entrepreneurial culture, also known as corporate culture, is a form of ideal, which is based on the value system of an enterprise and closely related to the management philosophy as well as the management behavior of the enterprise. It is where the kernel of business management lies. In the narrow sense, it refers to some fundamental spirit and agglomerating force that come into being in the production and management practices of an enterprise, as well as the common values and norms of behavior shared by the whole staff. In the broad sense, entrepreneurial culture also includes the culture of specific personnel in the enterprise, namely, the cultural psychological structure and cultural quality of the executives of the enterprise as well as the cultural behavior of the staff members.

As an economic entity, the task of an enterprise is definite, that is, to produce more and better products, to create wealth for the society. What an enterprise is engaged in is a kind of economic activity. But in the meantime, an enterprise is also an organization and a collectivity of all kinds of human beings. Here human beings are regarded as a kind of social animals. It is necessary for a kind of culture to normalize and regulate their behaviors.




We should not regard entrepreneurial production as sheer mechanical operation and material change, regard it as a kind of social activity or the activity that the social beings of humans are engaged in. This is the starting point for us to understand and know about entrepreneurial culture.

Economic activity in the modern society has already ceased to be a closed system. The modern time economic activity is filled with a large number of cultural factors and phenomena, which directly or indirectly affect economic activities in all manners.

This is proved by many facts.



To sum up, the concept of entrepreneurial culture is not new - companies have always exhibited particular values and characteristics that essentially define them. Organizations that clearly define the kind of company they want to be and develop a set of values that frames their goals and the manner in which they pursue them are at an advantage in hiring and retention. Each excellent enterprise has an entrepreneurial culture that is imbued with its own personality and charm. Although an entrepreneurial culture does not take place overnight, the ultimate goal of a corporation never fluctuates, that is, it strives to make sure that the prevailing culture in your organization inspires loyalty and commitment in your employees.

I'd like to stop here and take your questions.





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