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商务口译例文——Entrepreneurial Culture/企业文化

发布时间: 2024-03-23 10:41:58   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 安然的失败并不仅仅因为公司做了假账或者所谓的高层腐败,其失败的原因还应归咎于公司的企业文化,正是这种企业文化曾经使安然...

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good afternoon. Today I'II focus on the definition and the importance of entrepreneurial culture, drawing on the lesson from the Enron case.

For most of the 1990s, CEOs of Old Economy companies struggled to turn slow-moving organizations into nimbler, more flexible outfits. The truth is, real transformations are the exception rather than the rule. Changing the core values, the attitudes, and the fundamental relationships of a vast organization is overwhelmingly difficult. That's why an army of academics and consultants descended on Enron in the late 1990s and held it up as a paragon of management virtue. Enron seemed to have transformed itself from a stodgy regulated utility to a fast-moving enterprise where its performance was paramount.




If only that were true. Enron tumbled down. Many of the same academics are now busy distilling the cultural and leadership lessons from the debacle. Their conclusion so far is like this: Enron didn't fail just because of impropег accounting or alleged corruption at the top. It also failed because of its entrepreneurial culture - the very reason Enron attracted so much attention and acclaim. Too much emphasis on earnings growth and individual initiative, coupled with a shocking absence of the usual corporate checks and balances, turned Enron's entrepreneurial culture from one that rewarded aggressive strategy to one that increasingly relied on unethical means. In the end, too much leeway was given to young, inexperienced managers without the necessary controls to minimize failures.


Jeffrey K. Skilling assumed Enron CEO in early 2001. His recipe for changing the company was right out of the New Economy playbook. Layers of management were wiped out. Hundreds of outsiders were recruited and encouraged to bring new thinking to a tradition-bound business. The company abolished seniority-based salaries in favor of more highly leveraged compensation that offered huge cash bonuses and stock option grants to top performers. Young people, many just out of undergraduate or MBA programs, were handed extraordinary authority, able to make $5 million decisions without higher approval.


In larger companies like IBM, even though there is a movement toward youth, there are still enough older people around to mentor them. At Enron, you had a bunch of kids running loose without adult supervision.

The new entrepreneurial culture encourages the "loose and tight" environment. The idea is to combine tight controls with maximum individual authority to allow entrepreneurship to flourish without the culture edging into chaos.

At Enron, however, the pressure to make the numbers was often overwhelming. The environment was ripe for abuse.

Nobody at corporate was asking the right questions. It was completely hands-off management. It was a runaway train.





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