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发布时间: 2021-07-29 09:15:56   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

16.其丑无比 have a face that would stop a clock


You can hardly imagine that a handsome man like Li Tong would get married with a girl like Sun Li who has a face that would stop the clock.

17.体型匀称  be well-proportioned


Lack, with a body well-proportioned, about the middling, a pair of intense big eyes, has become the target of many pretty girls.

18. 做得太过火了 overplay one’s hand

你一定时做得太过火了, 否则她不会对你如此不依不饶的。

You must have overplayed your hand or she wouldn’t have taken off her gloves to you like that!

19.正中下怀  play into someone’s hands


Your agreeing to take the business trip in another city well played into the hands of the boss. As for the reason, you put it in the pipe and smoke it.

20/轻松的工作 a cushy job


He hope to take a cushy job but at the same time, worries about pay he gets from such a job. 

21.多的不得了 a jillion


Never allow your husband to take a trip to that city. There are a jillion streetwalkers there.

22.争论的原因  a bone of contention


I think the inequality in splitting the profits is their real bone of contention.

23.仍在……着 be still on


It’s already 12:00 o’clock midnight, yet, the light in his office is still on.

24.有点生疏   go a bit rusty


Can you speak French? I learned it, but I haven’t used it for a long time so it has got a bit rusty.

25.喝多了 have one too many


He must seem to have had one too many. You’d better walk him home.

26.事情的真相 what’s what


Give me a buzz and tell me as soon as you’ve got the what’s what.

27.真惨 a bad scene


This exam was really the bad scene! I miss all the ten questions but two.

28.不能再……了can’t be adjective+er

这个价格不能再低了 The price can’t be any lower.

29.彻头彻尾的 out and out


He’s an out and out armchair revolutionary.

30.打扮得特别漂亮be dressed to the nines


Every time she went to a dance, she would always be dressed up to the nines.

31.空头支票 lip-service


What he promised us is but a lip-service.

32.害人反害己 harm set, harm get


the bitter fruit he has got can be a very good example of what we call “Harm set, harm get.”

33.到底 on earth

你到底想怎么着? What on earth do you want ?

34.活见鬼 The Deuce!


The Deuce! How could he possibly know what business we are doing without telling him?

35.你好好琢磨琢磨吧 Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Why should he be so generous to you like that? Put it in your pipe and smoke it.

36.那有怎样?So what?

我说了,那有怎样?  I said it .So what?


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