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发布时间: 2018-03-30 09:08:26   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:


试译:Things cannot always be explained clearly, or dealt with clear cut. So it's better let them go naturally, or simply drop them.


试译:Laws are not always laws, or as reasonable as they should be. So laws exist in no laws at all,or simply follow nature.

当然,汉英成语、谚语的对译可以使译文地道,但也给译文带来了异国情调,或是与译文民族的历史、典故相悖,时常使读者思维混淆不清,感觉有点张冠李戴而让人莫明其妙。所以不能一味地追求译文的“地道”,给汉语的英译文平添上一些盎格鲁撒克逊人的民族特色,结果是常常成为画蛇添足的拙作。梁山泊英雄还是不同于罗宾汉的行侠仗义的,梁山伯与祝英台毕竟不同于罗密欧与朱丽叶。对这类描写还得直译,以保持汉文化的一些民 族特色。如“易如反掌”就可直译成 as easy as turning over one's hand (palm),英译文也形象易懂。这种中国英语完全来自汉译英的翻译实践。下面的直译例子经过native speakers of English的试读,都能被他们所理解并接受。

有眼无珠 to have eyes but not see 

熟视无睹 too familiar/close to see 

水中捞月 to catch the moon in the water 

门可罗雀 You can catch sparrows in the doorway.

—衣带水 only a narrow strip of water in between 

因小失大 to lose the main goal because of small gains 

走马观花 to look at the flowers while riding on horseback

欲擒故纵 to set the enemy free in order to catch him later


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