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发布时间: 2019-01-09 09:04:52   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

3. 注重逻辑性、科学性、专业性


* Morpholoaically and anatomically the leaf is the most variable plant organ. The collective term for all the types of leaves appearing on plants is the phyllome (Arber, 1950). The different phyllomes of the Spermatophyta are extremely variable both in external and in internal structure and in function. Because of this variability the following types of phyllomes have been classified: foliage leaces, cataphylls, hypsophylls, cotyledons, and others. The foliage leaves are the principal photosyn- thetic organs. The cataphylls are the scales that appear on buds and on underground stems and their function is protection or the storage of reserve materials. The first, lowermost leaves of a side branch are termed prophylls; in monocotyledons only one prophyll is usually present and in dicotyledons, two. The hypsophyffs are the various types of bracts that accompany the flowers and their function is, apparently, protection. Sometimes the hypsophylls are coloured and then their function is similar to that of petals. The cotyledons are the first leaves of the plant. The floral organs are also considered as leaves.




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