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发布时间: 2019-01-09 09:04:52   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:
摘要: 一篇文章并不只是单词与句子的堆棚,文章有其自身的结构,特点与风格,掌握了词与句子的翻译方法与技巧后, 还应了解和掌握语...

一篇文章并不只是单词与句子的堆棚,文章有其自身的结构,特点与风格,掌握了词与句子的翻译方法与技巧后, 还应了解和掌握语篇的翻译方法与技巧。行文方面:科技英语以客观陈述为主,故语体正式,语篇组织严谨,观点明确、逻辑性強、结构紧凑,没有插叙倒叙。语法方面:科技语篇中句子结构完整,且句式复杂长句子多。常用的语法结构有:被动语态.非谓语动词、条件句、虚拟语气.后置定语、定语从句等。词汇方面:科技文章中专业术语多,复合词多、名词多且为长词大词, 很少使用口语词汇、词组等。因此翻译科技文章尤其注意以下几点:

1. 忠实原文格式


The term “development” encompasses three types of process. First, new cells produced by division, In the high plant, this occurs most commonly, although not exclusively, in regions called meristems (分生组织). Next, there is a phase of growth or cell enlargement. Finally, the cells differentiate into their mature and specialized states. It is important to grasp from the outset that these three phases of development are not necessarily separated either in space or in time. Divisions may occur in cells which are actively enlarging, and in certain circumstances even in cells which would ordinarily be considered as nature and fully differentiated. Differentiation is usually regarded as the attainment of some final state or stability by a cell, coupled to a specific function (such as transport in the vascular system or photosynthesis in the mesophyll). However, the situation is not always final. The term “differentiated” can therefore have a comparative meaning as well as an absolute one.


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