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发布时间: 2018-04-16 09:38:03   作者:译聚网   来源: 国新网   浏览次数:



Deepening the reform of the judicial system and working mechanism. Aiming to safeguard judicial justice, in accordance with the principles of scientifically allocating the power of investi-gation, supervisory power, adjudicative power and enforcement power, China is establishing a fair, efficient and authoritative so-cialist judicial system. A police discipline inspection system has been established and the systems of people’s assessors and people’s supervisors have been implemented to expand judicial democracy and promote judicial openness. Supervision over judicial activities has been intensified, and the exercise of discretionary power by judicial officers has been regulated. The accountability system has been improved for those enforcing the law wrongly and acting against law and discipline so as to ensure judicial justice. 

Promoting the reform of the fiscal management system. Since 1998 the Chinese government has proposed the goal of establishing public finance, actively promoted the reform of the fiscal manage-ment system, and deepened the reforms concerning openness of departmental budgets, centralized treasury payment system, the separated management of revenue and expenditure, government procurement, and regulated transfer payment. So far, China has included revenues from administrative fees, government-controlled funds, compensated use of state-owned resources and state capital operations in the budgets or the range of separated management of revenues and expenditure, ultimately attaining the goal of having all of them turned over to the state treasury. China has initially es-tablished the basic framework of departmental budgets suited to its national conditions, and comprehensive use of budgetary and ex-tra-budgetary funds has been primarily realized, and the goal of “one budget for one department” has been achieved. The state promotes the reform of the work-related consumption system, such as use of vehicles for official duties and official receptions, to regulate work-related consumption by Party and government lead-ers. These measures have regulated the government’s management of money matters, increased the transparency of fiscal management and effectively hold in check corruption in the management and use of fiscal funds. 


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