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中国外长王毅在第68届联合国大会上的发言 中英对照

发布时间: 2018-03-14 08:50:16   作者:译聚网   来源: 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室   浏览次数:


China will firmly promote reform of the global governance system with the United Nations at its core. The United Nations is a big stage for all countries to conduct consultation and cooperation with each other. It is also a big family where people of all countries are brought together. It is our consistent position that the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations form the cornerstone of current international relations and provide safeguards for world peace and stability. Respecting national sovereignty and opposing interference in internal affairs, safeguarding peace and opposing aggression, and promoting equality and opposing power politics - these important principles must be observed. China firmly upholds the role and authority of the United Nations, supports the United Nations in renewing and improving itself in keeping with a changing world, and looks forward to a United Nations that plays a bigger role in international affairs. China is ready to deepen cooperation with the United Nations and get more actively involved in UN activities in various fields.


China is committed to promoting democracy in international relations and the trend toward a multi-polar world. China calls for greater representation and voice of developing countries in the global governance system, and supports the G20, the BRICS and other emerging mechanisms in playing a big role so as to make the international order fairer and more equitable. China calls for reforming the international monetary and financial systems and upholding the role of the World Trade Organization as the main channel. We are opposed to trade protectionism and are working to make economic globalization more balanced, inclusive and beneficial to all. We call on countries to enhance macro-economic policy coordination and be mindful of the spill-over effects of their respective adjustment of economic policies. We call for strengthening North-South dialogue and South-South cooperation to make development benefits more accessible to people of all countries.


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