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英译汉模拟练习题及分析 -- 地理篇

发布时间: 2017-11-01 15:04:23   作者:etogether.net   来源: 网络   浏览次数:

2. the Gulf of St. Lawrence: 圣•劳伦斯海湾
3. the state of Alabama:亚拉巴马州
4. Worn by years of rains and other kinds of weather: 这个分词短语给出的是致使阿巴拉契亚山脉平均海抜只有800米的原因,故增词译为“由于雨水和其他气候的长年侵蚀”。
5. the mountains have an average height of only 800 meters above sea level: “... meters above sea level”的结构表示“高出海平面......米”即“海拔......米”,故译为“……这条山脉的平均海拔高度只有800米”。
6. The northern part of the land between the mountains and the Atlantic Ocean is mountainous end rocky;这句不难理解,关键是处理好两个形容词 mountainous和rocky的翻译。中文的介绍性文字喜好采用四字格的并列结构。如译为“阿巴拉契亚山脉与大西洋之间的北部土地山峦密布,岩石丛生”,就较好地体现了汉语的行文习惯。
7. rising gently from the sea: gently 表示 mildly,quietly, carefully, not rough, violent, severe这里指山脉隆起的坡度不大,较平缓,故译为“从海平面平缓地隆起”。
8. To the west side of the mountains lie plateaus built up over the centuries from bits of stone washed down from the old mountains:山脉的西面是多少个世纪以来从古老的山脉冲刷下来的石块构筑的高原
9. a large expanse of land:—大片辽阔的土地
10. the Rocky Mountains:落基山脉
11. with a peak Mt. Etbert about 4,300 meters high: peak 指“山峰”,故译为“埃尔伯特山蜂高约4300米”。
12. Running from the Arctic to the Mexican frontier, the mountains are often spoken of as the backbone of the continent:the Arctic 指“北冰洋”;the Mexican frontier指“墨西哥边界”;backbone指“脊柱;中枢”。整句译为“落基山脉从北冰洋一直绵延至墨西哥边界,常被称为大陆的脊骨”。
13. the Continental Divide:译为“大陆分水岭”,其中 divide表示 a ridge of land;a watershed (陆脊;分水线)。
14. Tumbling up and down rapidly,the mountains are quite rough and irregular: 译为“地壳的快速上下运动使落基山脉十分陡峭和不规则",其中 tumble 表示 move up and down,to and fro, in a restless or disorderly way。


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