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2018-03-20 09:07:04    译聚网    法律翻译网    

  Article 29 The State guarantees the disabled persons' right to work.

  第二十九条 国家保障残疾人的劳动权利。

  People's governments at all levels shall make overall plans for the employment of the disabled and create conditions for their employment.


  When an employing unit recruits persons, it shall not discriminate against disabled persons.


  Article 30 When an employing unit recruits a person, it shall not use as a pretext that he is a pathogen carrier of an infectious disease to refuse to employ him. However, before a pathogen carrier of an infectious disease is confirmed upon medical test that he is cured or before the suspicion that the disease is infections is expelled, he shall not take up the kind of jobs which may easily cause the disease to spread and which a person is prohibited from taking up by laws and administrative regulations and by the administrative department of health under the State Council.

  第三十条 用人单位招用人员,不得以是传染病病原携带者为由拒绝录用。但是,经医学鉴定传染病病原携带者在治愈前或者排除传染嫌疑前,不得从事法律、行政法规和国务院卫生行政部门规定禁止从事的易使传染病扩散的工作。

  Article 31 Rural workers who go to cities for employment shall enjoy equal right to work as urban workers do. No discriminating restrictions may be placed on the rural workers who go to cities for employment.

  第三十一条 农村劳动者进城就业享有与城镇劳动者平等的劳动权利,不得对农村劳动者进城就业设置歧视性限制。

Chapter IV Employment Services and Management

第四章 就业服务和管理

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