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2018-03-20 09:07:04    译聚网    法律翻译网    

  The special funds for employment shall be used as subsidies for job recommendation, vocational training, public welfare jobs, appraisal of occupational skills, special employment policies, social insurance, etc., and as guarantee funds for small loans and discount interest on small guarantee loans for low-profit projects, and shall be used to support the public services for employment. The measures for management and use of the special employment funds shall be formulated by the finance department and the administrative department of labor of the State Council.


  Article 16 The State establishes a sound unemployment insurance scheme to ensure the basic living standards of the unemployed in accordance with law and to promote their re-employment.

  第十六条 国家建立健全失业保险制度,依法确保失业人员的基本生活,并促进其实现就业。

  Article 17 The State encourages enterprises to provide more job opportunities and to support the unemployed and the disabled in finding jobs and, in accordance with law, offers the following enterprises and persons preferential tax policies.

Chapter III Fair Employment

第三章 公平就业

  Article 25 People's governments at all levels shall create an environment for fair employment, eliminate discrimination in employment, and formulate policies and take measures to support and aid the persons who have difficulty in finding jobs.

  第二十五条 各级人民政府创造公平就业的环境,消除就业歧视,制定政策并采取措施对就业困难人员给予扶持和援助。

  Article 26 When an employing unit recruits persons or when a job intermediary engages in intermediary activities, it shall provide persons with equal opportunities and fair conditions for employment, and it shall not discriminate against anyone in this respect.

  第二十六条 用人单位招用人员、职业中介机构从事职业中介活动,应当向劳动者提供平等的就业机会和公平的就业条件,不得实施就业歧视。

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