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2018-10-19 09:15:04    译聚网    中华人民共和国外交部    

Statement by Ambassador Wu Ken, Head of the Chinese Delegation, at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council of the OPCW




Mme. Chair,

Please allow me, on behalf of the Chinese delegation, to welcome you back to the Chair of the Executive Council (Council) at this session. The Chinese delegation will fully cooperate with you, and with other delegations, in a joint effort to help this session successfully complete all its proceedings.

The Chinese delegation wishes to thank the Director-General for his comprehensive work report. Since this is the first time that His Excellency Fernando Arias attends an EC session as the Director-General, the Chinese delegation would like to welcome him, and hopes that under his leadership, the Technical Secretariat will make further achievements in its work.



The Chinese delegation wishes also to thank the Vice-Chairpersons for their respective reports. This delegation associates itself with the statement made by the Permanent Representative of Venezuela, Ambassador Haifa Aissami Madah, on behalf of the NAM CWC States Parties and China. Now, I would like to take this opportunity to elaborate further China's positions and views regarding the following issues.

Under the current complex and unsteady international circumstances, this Organization is faced also with mounting opportunities as well as challenges. It is in this situation that the Fourth Special Session of the Conference to Review the Operation of the Convention (the Fourth Review Conference) will soon be held. It will therefore be of great significance. All States Parties have the responsibility to engage actively in the preparation for the Fourth Review Conference, and in the session itself, so as to play their leading role and contribute to its success. China believes that in order for the Fourth Review Conference to succeed, efforts should be made to achieve two balances. Firstly, a balance should be ensured in addressing all the main articles of the Convention, especially those regarding the destruction of chemical weapons (CW), industry verification, assistance and protection against CWs and international cooperation. Secondly, the concerns of all sides should be considered in a balanced way. In the process, in-depth discussions and patient consultation should be conducted, in a bid to bring about consensus-based results from the Conference.

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