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2018-08-20 09:26:21    译聚网    中华人民共和国外交部    



Of course, in Washington DC and maybe in the media, there is an ongoing discussion or even debate about what to do with this relationship and what China tries to achieve in the world. Hopefully, people will come to the right conclusion. For me, the answer is very clear. 

What is China trying to do? China, an ancient nation, is trying to modernize itself. China is trying to develop itself, so people could have a better life. Abraham Lincoln, a native Kentuckian, stands for a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We in China now stress people-centered development. People's aspiration for a better life is our goal. This is the only goal for China. 



We are fully aware of the challenges we still have to deal with. China has a huge population. We have the world's second largest economy, but our per capita GDP is still very low. It is about one seventh of that of the United States. And we still have nearly 30 million people living under the poverty line. We still have more than 80 million people with disabilities. And every year we have to provide jobs for 15 million people, including 8 million college graduates. Just imagine how huge the challenge is. So we believe, our focus and priority is still domestic development in order to enable our people to have a better life. 

Of course, we cannot develop ourselves behind closed doors. We have to open our door even wider and we have to seek cooperation with others, particularly with countries like the United States. And we believe, the only path that will lead us to the realization of what we call the Chinese dream is reform and opening-up. This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up. We have made great achievements over the last four decades, but still there is a long way ahead of us before we can really reach our goal. And in order to do this, we seek cooperation with other countries. We believe that China cannot develop and prosper all by itself. We aim at building together with other countries a community with a shared future for mankind, because there are so many things we have to deal with together. And again because "United we all stand, divided we all fall". 

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下一篇: 外交部部长助理陈晓东在中非智库论坛第七届会议开幕式上的讲话(中英对照)



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